Chapter 17

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I woke up and kind of felt happy today. I knew today that it was only a few more days until it was time for us to graduate and I was doing better. It wasn't A or B. But It Is low C's and high D's.

I did my morning routine and put on I Orange Sleeveless Top, Khaki Shorts, and Toms Slip On. I texted Don to ask him to come early. I didn't want to go out and get some breakfast so I was going to ask him to buy me something, then take me to school. I knew he wasn't going to be with it, but I'll convince him.

'Early morning head?' He asked. I could tell that he was smirking.

'No!!!!!!' I sent back.

'Ight I gotcha.'

'Text me when you get here don't blow!' I texted him remembering that I was going to sneak out.

It was a few more minutes and he texted me saying that he was outside. I grabbed my stuff and headed for my window. I opened it and threw out my bag. I climbed out next. I got my bag and ran towards his car. I got in and he looked at me. "Take me somewhere. I need something to eat." I plainly said.

"Why'd you sneak out?" He asked me.

"Because of the dumb thing you did yesterday." I rolled my eyes remembering that he threatened my father.

"That wasn't dumb. I was trying to take up for you." He corrected me.

"How is that taking up for me?" I asked him.

"Because. I was telling him if he hurt you again, I will hurt him." He simply explained.

"How is that even a solution?"

"No, I have a question for you." He ignored my question


"You don't want any help. You don't want him getting hurt. Although you came to me telling me about the situation, getting mad when I didn't care. And I bet that you told your friends about it. So why don't you do anything?" He has turned himself towards me at the stop sign. I didn't have an answer. I wanted to answer, but I couldn't. I had no response. "Exactly." He said and continued driving.


We pulled up at McDonald's and he went to the Drive-Thru. "You know, Don." I started to put on a sweet voice and puppy dog eyes.

"You want me to buy it for you don't it?" He asked me.

"Yes please." I smiled at him. He glared at me. "Welcome to McDonalds, order when ready." A women voice came.

"A number twelve please." I said loud enough for the women to hear.

"Sausage Egg Burrito Combo. Is that all for you?" She repeated the order.

"Yes." Don said.

"5.10. Pull up to the first window." She gave the price and he pulled up. He had pulled out a fifty and I rolled my eyes remembering the night at the movie when he paid with a hundred. That's when it led me to thinking about Summer. Then her texting me when it wasn't even her. Giving her parents my phone. My phone... "Miracle!" The loud yell of my name snapped me out of my thought.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Your food." Don gave me the bag.

"Thank you." I said.

"Yea, yea. You better not forget about tonight." He said heading in the direction of the school.

"Yea, whatever." I said, taking a bite of the hash brown.


"Miracle, stop ignoring me." Charles had walked behind me. The whole day he was bugging me. Trying to get me to talk to him. He was lucky enough I talked to him after I found out what he did, but you're going to think I'm going to be cool with you when you were trying to send me down the same road as Summer. No. At this moment I knew I was acting like her. Holding up a grudge, but I'm not sure if I exactly want to forgive him yet. Or even at all.

"Charles, just leave me alone." I stopped turning towards him.

"Why? I have apologized numerous of times." He pleaded.

"What apologizing going to do?"

"At least let you forgive me."

"I can't forgive someone who did whatever they did to their friend and was about to do the same to their best friend."

"How do you even know what they are doing is bad."

"It's bad enough that y'all won't let her go." He was silent. He had nothing else to say. I rolled my eyes turning on my heels to get out of the school. He pulled me back, crashing into his chest. "So you just gone do me like that?" He asked.

I bit down on my lip, "Yea." After I said that he let me go. I turned around and at him. He winked at me and left. I shook it off and headed towards the front doors to go home. Once again the same group of girls was all around Don's car. I walked down there and did the same thing I did yesterday, which made me receive the same looks.

Shortly after Don got into the car. He buckled up the seat belt and we headed towards the house.

Don's phone started to ring and he answered it, "What?... Who?... When? Ight I'll be there." He ended the call. I could tell he was pissed off. 

He was flying down the roads. We almost crashed twice, and he didn't care one time when I yelled at him to slow down. He hit the breaks hard when we reached my house that I was jerked and almost hit my head on the dashboard. "What the fuck is your problem?" I yelled at him.

"Get out." He plainly said, his hands still on the wheel.

"What is going on?" I asked him.

"My business is going on." He said. His grip on the wheel tightened. I bit my lip and I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door getting out of the car. I closed the door and he immediately drove off. I was confused on what was going on with him, and what happened. I knew whatever it was it wasn't going to turn out well.

I walked up to the porch and into the house. I put my bag down and I noticed my dad taking off a white shirt with red stains on it. I wanted to ask him what was he doing and what was that, but I knew that he would take it the wrong way. So I let it slide. I went past him towards the kitchen and I happen to catch a glance of a gun sitting on the coffee table. He wasn't hiding anything. He didn't say anything to me. And I knew that he knew I saw his shirt and the gun.

When I got into the kitchen my thoughts started running. Did he kill someone? He couldn't. Why would he? How could he? He is abusive, but I never thought that he would kill someone. The kitchen door opened and I turned around startled. He was standing there with the gun in his hand. Air got caught in my throat as I gasped. I bagged away as he started coming closer towards me. The kitchen counter stopped me from moving back. He came up towards me and the smell of weed and beer hit me. "You see this?" He asked, swinging the gun in the air. I nodded my head.

"See, your little friend thought he scared me when he threatened me. But, I think my threat has come across a little bit better." He said, with a smirk. He back away and left the kitchen. What?

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