Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning feeling proud of myself. I actually made a good choice. It was still the weekend and I knew I had nothing to do. I called Summer all last night and text her, she didn't reply. I even asked Charles to call her and text her she wasn't replying to him either I was actually worried. So I knew that I was going to go to her house to see if she was over there. I threw on a tank, pants, and shoes. I headed towards the kitchen and my father was sitting down eating. I headed towards the cabinets and got a few packs of gushers out, "You're not eating that for breakfast." My father said when I closed the cabinet.

"Why not?" I asked.

"That's no good for you this early in the morning." He said standing up throwing the gushers on the floor. He hit my hand so hard, it started to sting. I held my hand tight trying wincing at the pain, "Get some real breakfast." He said turning around.

"Why do you care?" I asked him. He turned around and look at me furry in his eyes. I was actually standing up to him and I think that he hated it. "Because you're getting a little fat. There is some fruit, eat it." He said walking out of the kitchen. My mouth dropped in shock. I look down and pulled up my shirt and look at my stomach. I sighed and walked out of the kitchen and out the front door.

I walked the usual way towards her house. Then I remembered where Don and his 'boys' always be posted up at. The other way towards her house would take forever, and I didn't want to walk that far just to go to her house. I stopped right before the opening of that spot and took a deep breath, then started walking. I didn't want to glance over, turn my head that way, nothing. So, I kept straight and continued walking. I heard nothing, so I was tempted to look and see if they were there, but I didn't want to. I didn't need to. So, I kept walking.

I finally passed by there area and felt relieved, but then again disappointed. I kind of wanted them to say something to me, I kind of wanted Don to talk to me. To call me over, to stop me... So that I can see that sexy smirk, his sexy face, his sexy voice. Stop! I told my mind as I erased the picture of his face from my mind. I came to go see Summer and Summer only.

I finally made it to Summer apartment. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer, but her mother did. "Hey darling. How are you?"

"Fine Mrs. Evans." I greeted her mother with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" She asked looking around.

"I'm here to see Summer." I informed her. That when her expression changed from curiosity to worry. "She went to the movies with you and Charles last night. I figured that she spent the night over your house." She told me. I was shocked. She didn't even come to the movies last night, the least come to my house. She didn't even tell me anything. The last time I talked to her was at the Beach and that was hours ago. It felt like ages though. "She didn't show up at the movies last night." I finally spoke up and told her mother. I could tell her mother was shocked. "I tried calling and texting her. So did Charles. She isn't answering her phone." I continued to tell her mother.

"Who was she with. I thought she was going to ride with you and Charles. What happened yesterday?" Her mother emotions were flying everywhere. I could tell she was worried, but she was mad. It felt as if she was turning this all on me like I did this. Like her not showing up was my fault.

"Charles told me that we were all riding with our dates. That I was riding with mine. He was picking up his, and Summer was riding with hers." I told her the ride arrangements.

"I thought it was only you three going. She told me that you three were only going to be spending the whole day together. Lawd, my baby." Her words all mixed in, her hands were flying in the air. "It was like that." I informed her. "Until they found some people at the beach and invited them." I told her.

"She rode with a stranger?! You let her ride to the movies with a stranger?!" She yelled. She was now officially freaking out and I did not know what to do. That is when her father came to the door, "What is going on?" He asked.

"My baby, our baby. She is gone." She informed him. He looked towards me in confusion. I explained everything to him. He held his wife in his arms, "Don't worry, Miracle. We'll handle this from here. Thank you for informing us." He said before closing the door. I sighed, where is she?

I started walking back home. I pulled out my phone to tell Charles what I knew about the situation.

"Hey baby momma." He answered the phone.

"Summer isn't at home. She is with that dude that was supposed to be her date." I cut right to the point. It was silence on the other end. "Do you know him? Remember how he looks anything?" I tried to break the silence.

"No, I saw her with a dude, but the next time I looked at her she was with another. So I have no idea."

"What are we suppose to do?" I asked worry in my voice.

"Let her parents take care of it." He said. It was like he cared but then again he didn't. I sighed and told him, okay hanging up the phone. When I finally stopped talking to him I noticed that I was at home. I started walking up the steps and that is when my name was called. I turned around and Don was right there. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest. "What?" I asked him.

"I came to see you." He said coming up the steps on the porch.

"I don't have time to be bothered with you. I have a lot on my plate right now." I informed him.

"I just wanted to hang out with you." He said in a baby voice, pouting.

"Go hang out with your boys." I said turning around. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back into his chest. "Why you rejected me when you told me you wanted me?" He whispered him my ear. I remembered what I told him last night and started to smile at myself again for playing him. Why not do it again? I turned around in his grip, wrapping my arm around his neck "I don't want to get hurt." I told him sincerely. He looked me in my eyes for a moment, searching my eyes. "I would never hurt you." He returned the emotion.

"You already have." I blankly said pushing away from him. I knew that once again I outplayed him and it felt good. It actually felt good to finally feel in charge for once in my life.


"Miracle, wake up please." I heard a voice cry out. I opened my eyes and I saw a figure hovering over me.

"Summer?" I asked, blinking my eyes so that the figure image can be visible.

"Yes, it's me." She sat down at the edge of the bed. I got up when I finally noticed her.

"Where have you been?" I almost screamed in anger at her.

"I've been...away. And it will have to be longer. But know I will always be here." She informed me.

"I'm confused." I told her.

"Don't be, sweet heart. You'll be with me when the right time comes. I love you, best friend."

That is when I woke up.

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