Chapter 29

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I never thought that I would actually have sex with him. I was downstairs in the living room with the money in my hand. I was thinking still about what I would do. I looked at the time, 3:45. Today was Saturday and I wanted to spend the time with my mother, and hopefully, she could be released. We were supposed to cremate my father tomorrow. After that, I knew that it was going to be time to take the test and pay for our cap and gown. I knew everything I was going to do. My mind was set. While I was on the couch I laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up just in time to go upstairs and change into some clothes and wake up Don. "Don, wake up." I shook him. He groaned and turned the other way, throwing the cover over his head. I shook him harder, "Get up."

"Why?" He questioned.

"I need you to take me to the hospital."


"To get my mother."


"Don!" I yelled at him.

"Fine, fine." He said throwing the covers off of him. "Let me go change and I'll be back in 30." He said. I nodded my head and sat on the bed. He still had his shirt off that showed his beautiful body. I smiled to myself thinking of last night events. He walked out of the room and I went behind him to walk him out. He left out and I watched as he got into the car and drove off. I sighed and closed the door back locking it. I went and sat down in the living room to watch Wild N Out.

I was laughing when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and answered it, it was Don. "Come on." He said. I closed the door and went towards his car. Once again the car ride was silent. I shook my head and looked out the window at the city. I was going to miss my hometown. Although I knew this was the right choice. We reached the hospital and I went straight to her room. Don came and stood to the side the whole time.

When I entered the room she was in her bed and the nurse was there. "Oh, hello. Are you her daughter?" The nurse greeted me.

"Yes." I answered.

"Great, she can be released today. Just put on her clothes and I will get the paper from the doctor and bring the wheelchair around." She told me. I helped my mother out of the bed and grabbed her clothes. I handed them to her and she went into the bathroom to change. Once she came out the nurse was coming in. "Go bring the car around." I told Don as we made our way down.

We helped my mother into the car and we headed home. "How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good." She said.

"Um, this is Don. You may already know him." I introduced her.

"Yea, I do." I could tell that she couldn't care less for him. I sighed and kept quiet.

We pulled up at the house and Don tried to help my mother, "I can walk. I'm not that old."

"I'm sorry." I mouthed to Don as she made her way into the house. I helped her sit on the bed and covered her up.

"You know we are supposed to cremate dad tomorrow." I reminded her.

"Yea, I know." She said.

"And my graduation is coming up soon." I informed her on that also.

"Okay." Her attitude was so weird. She never acts like this. She always said that when I acted like this I acted like a bitch and her child will never be one. "What is the matter, ma?"

"Why are you still talking to that boy?" She asked me.

"Because he has been there for me." I told her.

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