Chapter 19

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Wow, it's been a month. Did you miss me? I am truly, truly, truly sorry for the delay on the story. Like I said before, no exuses. So beat me up if you have to, but hope this makes up for it. Enjoy (:


When we pulled up towards my house I seen ambulance. I started panicking. They were pulling a stretcher out of the house. Don had stopped and I jumped out of the car. I ran towards the house and my mother was standing at the steps. I pushed through the people and ran towards her. "Wh-what's going on?" I asked her.

"He's dead."


- That Afternoon -

I forgave Charles. He was my best friend and he wouldn't stop apologizing. I'm not that type of person to hold a grudge, and I was getting bored since I didn't have Summer around to keep my company. When I was thinking about it, I knew I wanted to go and see how everything was going and to get my phone. I walked out of the school doors saying bye to Charles as I made my way towards Don. I got inside the car and waited for him to get in. "Can you take me to Summer's house?" I asked as he entered the car.

"So I'm just supposed to drive you everywhere you want?" He questioned putting on his seatbelt.

"Yea." I plainly said, watching as he started up his car. He shook his head as he started towards Summer's house.

He stopped in front of her apartment building and I got out headed up the stairs. I knocked on the door and waited. Her mother answered the door and smiled at me, "Hey, darling." She said.

"Hey, Ms. Evans. Have they found anything yet?" I asked.

"Yes." She exclaimed. She reached over to the side and handed me my phone. "They will take action tonight. Our baby girl should be home tomorrow morning." She informed me.

"Okay, thank you." I said turning on my heels.

"No, thank you." She said before closing the door. I walked back towards Dons car and got inside. "So, what's up?" He asked me.

"She said she should be home by tomorrow."

"Just like that?" He questioned, sounding unsure.

"Yea. Guess they found where the messages came from." I informed him.

"Yea, sure." He said shifting the gear into drive as he pulled off towards my house.


"You better not forget about tonight." He said as he pulled up to my house.

"What ever." I said getting out the car. I closed the door and headed for my porch. "Hey stop." Don said stopping me in my tracks. I turned around towards him, "What?" I asked.

"Whatever happens tonight. Don't come running back to me." He said, his voice deep. He turned around and walked off. I was confused and wondering what the fuck he wanted me to do. I went inside and immediately put my phone on charge. I went ahead and looked through my clothes for something cute 'sexy' to wear.

-That Night-

I put on a Salmon Pink Polka Dot Crop Top, Black High Waist Knickers (shorts not panties), Angles Away Tights, and Buckle Heels. I looked in the mirror and I know I looked good. I knew I was going to have to sneak out again tonight because if my father saw me like this, he would flip. I looked at my phone and Don told me he was outside.

I went towards the window and opened it, jumping out of it. I went around the front towards Don's car. He was leaned against his car, on his phone. I walked up towards him, "Sneaking out again." he said noticing my presence.

"All for you." I said rolling my eyes. He looked up at me, smirking. He started shaking his head. "What?" I asked him.

"You could've done better." He said, pushing himself off the car, opening the door for me. I rolled my eyes getting in. I watched as he walked around the front of the car and got inside. When he got in I immediately asked him where we were going. "You'll find out."

It felt like we were driving forever. "Don, where are you taking me?" I asked him annoyed. He ignored me, and his phone rung. He answered on the first ring. "Yea?" 

"Okay. Nice job." He hung up. "Change of plans. I have to take you home." He said making a sharp u-turn.

"You never planned on taking me anywhere in the first place did you?" I asked him putting two and two together.

"Yea, I did. But things came up."

"Well, since you couldn't take me, can you tell me where you were going to take me?" I asked him.

"Nope." He plainly responded. I sighed loudly annoyed by all this. I turned my attention towards the road and everything started to look familiar. It was quicker to get back then it took going. I glared over at him, he had to have been going in circles or something. I ignored the fact of it, and was ready to get home. 

When we pulled up towards my house I saw the ambulance. I started panicking. They were pulling a stretcher out of the house. Don had stopped and I jumped out of the car. I ran towards the house and my mother was standing on the steps. I pushed through the people and ran towards her. "Wh-what's going on?" I asked her.

"He's dead."

"Wha-what do you mean?" I questioned her.

"Honey, listen." My mother placed her hand on my shoulder as she was about to tell the story until a police officer came up, "Ma'am may we please ask you a few questions?" My mother turned and looked at him and back to me. She sighed and nodded her head taking him into the house for questioning. I looked back towards where I got out of the car and Don was gone, like he was never here. The ambulance pulled off and people were slowly starting to leave. I felt so dumbfounded... and it clicked.

I walked into the house and stood at the door frame where my mother and the police officer were. I waited until they were finished before I could hear the side of the story. The police officer got up and walked towards me, "I'm sorry." He plainly said and walked passed me leaving the house. I walked into the living room and sat down next to my mother. "Well." I asked her.

"Well, I was in the bedroom and that is when I heard your father yelling. Of course, at first I thought he was yelling at you, but I heard a different voice other than yours. So with that, I got up and watched from the bedroom making my presence unknown. I didn't exactly know what they were talking about, but it was something about someone threatening and someone killing someone else. It was confusing. That's when your father tried to make a move and the next thing I know I heard a gunshot. He froze and then he fell down. Blood was all over the floor and the guys left. That's when I called the police." She explained the whole story to me.

I knew everything about the complication she was talking. Rage was filled in my whole body. "Okay." I simply said getting up going to my room so I could make a call. I closed an locked my door and pulled out my phone, but I was interrupted by a knock at my door, "What?" I yelled.

"Open up, Miracle. Its Summer and Charles." I did not want to be consoled at this time. I didn't have any tears to cry, I had no reason to cry. All I wanted was revenge. I slung open my door and there they were with worry plastered on there face. "Are you okay?" Charles asked.

"Yea, I'm perfectly fine." I said, hoping that would make them leave.

"You don't have to lie." Summer said.

"I'm not. I don't care. I just want to be alone. Okay?" They hesitated for a minute, just staring at me. "Let's go, Charles." Summer said pushing Charles away. I closed my door thankfully. I pulled my phone back out and stared at Don contact. No, I'm not going to call him, that would be a little stupid of me. He wants to play games, I could play with him.

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