Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning and did my morning routine. I put on Black Racerback Crop Top, Dip-dyed Cutoffs, and Blue Chuck Taylors. The events of last night wouldn't get out of my head. Like what could I have done different? Was I doing too much? But most of all; telling Don everything and him saying that to me. All he wanted to do was have sex with me. I should have figured, he randomly started talking to me, and he is that type of person. Why else would he want me? I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother. "Good morning." I said heading to the cabinet.

"Good Morning. I already took my medicine." She said. I turned around and looked at her. I headed towards the table and sat next to her. "What happened last night?" She looked at me as I sat down.

"A lot of things." I informed her.

"Explain to me why your father came into the house, angry and face filled with blood and bruises?"

"He and Don got into a little fight." I told her.

"Don," She repeated his name. "The dude that gives you a ride?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "Little fight?" She continued.

"Mom. Please."

"No, why were they fighting?" She cut me off.

"Because my dad hit me." I informed her. She was silent, and she shook her head. I pushed the chair back and got up, "Summer is waiting for me." I told her exiting the kitchen. Summer never comes this early and she hasn't even text me. I sat down on the couch in the living room gathering everything, and then my phone buzzed. I took it out, expecting Summer and it wasn't.

'good morning good girl.' I read the text and I cringed. How did he get my number, and I would've expected him to understand that I didn't want anything to do with him after last night. I shook my head and replied,

'who gave you my number" I put my phone back in my pocket once Summer had texted me. I went outside and got into her car, "Hey."

"Hey." Her words drifted off. I could tell she was staring at me. "What?" I asked her, turning her way.

"What happened yesterday?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes. If she knew about it that means everyone basically knew about it. "Nothing happened." I replied turning straight into the seat. "Why are you lying? I know something happened." She said not giving up on the topic.

"I'll tell you later." I said, hoping that she would drop the conversation. She stared at me a few more seconds before turning around and heading to the school.


It was lunchtime and I knew that I had to inform Charles and Summer on what happened last night. As I entered the lunch room and headed towards our normal sitting spots they were waiting for me. I sat down next to them and they were silent, waiting for me to explain. "Hello to you to." I said.

"Just tell us." Charles said, annoyed. I told them about the events of last night, including me, telling Don and him saying he only wanted to have sex with me. They were silent for awhile staring at me. "I have no comment." Summer spoke up.

"Is your father okay? Cause I heard it was brutal." Charles asked. I sent an evil glare at him.

"He is recovering." I informed him.

"Why would you even tell Don? We showed you, even told you the real him and you're still running back to him." Summer said.

"Cause at that moment I had nobody else." I pleaded.

"Then what are we?" She asked me, motioning to her and Charles. I wanted to reply but I had to words. "If I would have went to you all last night,"

"What? We would have been the friends that we are and consoled you." Summer cut me off, I knew she was mad.

"I'm sorry okay." I said defeated. It was silent until the bell rung signaling next period.


We were dismissed early for a storm that would soon the heading our way. I walked down the steps towards my locker where Summer was waiting for me. I opened my locker and put stuff in, she was silent. I felt kind of suspicious about it because she never is this silent. I closed my locker and stared at her, "You okay?" I asked her.

"Yea, just ready to get home." She lied clearly in my face. I shook it off letting it go by she'll tell me when she is ready. We headed outside and it was pouring down raining. "You got to be kidding me." She said.

"Run for it." I said grabbing her hand, but he caught my eye. He was walking up towards us with a umbrella. "You two pretty ladies shouldn't be going into the rain without protection." He smiled at us handing us the umbrella, a smirk on his face.

"We don't need it." I said, gritting my teeth together.

"The hell we do." Summer said taking the umbrella from his hand pulling on me to go with her towards the car, although he pulled me back, stopping us from going. He pulled out an extra umbrella, "I need to talk to her." Don said looking at Summer. I looked towards her, giving her the look of 'you better not leave me!' "Well I need to take her home." She fought, looking towards him. He stared at her for a moment. He smirked and finally let go of me. "If she has to go home, you do too. So I will need my umbrella back. Oh, also, you left your windows down."

"What?" She exclaimed turning back to her car, running. I started going after behind her. I waited as she unlocked the door, my clothes drenched. I really chose a great outfit, I sarcastically said to myself. The rain stopped falling and I looked up, there was an umbrella. I looked to my side and he was standing there. "I don't want to talk to you." I plainly said.

"But I want to talk to you."

"I don't care. You're an ass. I'm not with that." I turned back to Summer's car and reached for the car door. He grabbed my hand pushing me away from the car. "What?" I yelled at him.

"I need to talk to you." He repeated himself.

"What possibly do you want to say to me? Like the-" I was cut off. He smashed his lips into mine. I was shocked and uninterested. I pushed him back and looked at him, a flash of disappointment filled his eyes. "I don't want to kiss you either." I said, pushing him aside getting inside of Summer's car.

"Everything alright?" She asked me, as I put on my seatbelt.

"Everything is perfect." I said as she backed out and Don stood there, still lost in the events that just happened. I could tell he wasn't use to rejection, but I guess I wasn't use to the truth.

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