The End

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I made this story in 2014, my Freshman year of High School. I recently updated it as of 2018 as I want to get back into writing and I don't want my work to be viewed as a sloppy mess. It still isn't one of my proudest, but I'm still happy to look back at what I've written. Thank you to all who have read it and the people who are going to currently read it! <3

Well, well, well. This is the end of Shot Down. I really hope you all enjoyed the story. This is actually the first story that I have gone all the way out for. I usually never complete them, but thanks to three people I did.

Arionna - She is a writer also on Wattpadd. @beautifuldreamer3 . ( Check out her stories. They're as good as mine, maybe even better. ) We started our first stories around the same time and helped each other along the way. She has been so helpful! And I am happy she was here.

Gabby - She isn't a writer, but she is a reader. She is so demanding, lol. She was helpful and pushed me to actually update on time.

&& lastly. @MsBanton . I wanted to credit her, even though I don't know her personally, she has been reading from the very first chapter to the end. She has even voted for each one of my chapters. I wanted to say thank you to you.

After saying all of that, I am currently working on a new story. Keep an eye out. Thank you for reading, Shot Down.

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