Chapter 3

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I woke up inside of my room. I stretched and my legs shook widely. I sighed and threw the covers off of my body and got up. I went to my closet and pulled out a white muscle tee that had Marilyn Monroe on it and blue jeans and black combat boots. I did my morning routine and headed downstairs to get a quick snack for breakfast. My father was nowhere in sight. I pulled out a banana and some orange juice. I grabbed my mothers medicine and headed to her room to give it to her.

"I'm outside." My phone buzzed. Summer was my ride to school. I kissed my mothers forehead and headed outside. I got inside the car and it was silence. "I'm sorry about what I said to you yesterday." I tried to cut through the tension.

"Whatever." She stated and kept her eyes on the road. I sighed and thought about how I could apologize to her. I shook my head and noticed how stubborn she could be.

We pulled up to the school and I checked the mirror one last time and exited the car. I walked up the stairs and expected the looks and stares. "Wassup baby mama." A hand wrapped around my shoulder. A smile crossed my face as I seen that it was my best friend, Charles. "Man, where my child support at?" I asked moving his hand from around my shoulder.

"See what had happened was..." He started and I knew he was going into a lie. I playfully hit his chest as we stopped at my locker. "So what's up?" He asked leaning on the locker, staring at the ass of a passing girl. I shook my head, "My parents know about my grades." I said putting books into my bag.

"How?" He asked turning his attention to me.

"School sent a notice." I told him. He shook his head.

"Everything good?" He asked.

"You already know the answer to that question." He knew about the whole situation. We basically grew up together. I trusted him more than I trusted Summer. Yea, even though he is a guy, he has been there for so much in my life I can trust him with anything. "Did he hurt you?" He asked as we headed inside of the classroom.

"No, my mother was there at the moment. But later on that night he yelled at me causing me to fall and a piece of glass going through my hand." I informed him, showing him my slowly healing hand. He shook his head in disappointment. He has always wanted to help me, to get me away from him. I told him that I couldn't leave because of my mother, that when he came up with the idea of reporting him. At that point in time, I thought that it was a good idea, cause there were bruises all over my body, but he was the one who that was still providing for us.

I sat down in my usual spot in the back of the class. Summer was still being stubborn. She didn't acknowledge me at all when she sat in her seat that was in front of me. Charles hit the side if my arm getting my attention, "What's up with her?" He mouthed to me pointing to Summer. "Is there a problem Ms. Evans?" The teacher called out. Everybody attention went towards me. "No, ma'am." I started turning back in my seat. She nodded her head and went back to the board and continued her lesson. I sighed and put my head down on my desk.


I walked out the door headed towards the direction that Summer car was parked, and her car wasn't there. We didn't take the same last period, and her last period was closer to the front door...she didn't leave me. Did she? I looked around the parking lot for her car and it was nowhere in sight. Then he caught my eye. The dude that was always with that group of dudes down the street from my house. He was leaning on the front of his White Charger 300, with a bunch of girls surrounding him, gaucking at him. He turned his attention towards me and stared straight at each other.

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