Chapter 18

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The image and the words of my father played through my dreams last night. I still wanted to know what was going on and what he had done to threaten him. I was kind of frightened.

I knew that whatever my father did made Don mad yesterday. I wanted to ask him last night, but I felt as if that wouldn't have been a good idea. He seemed pissed and the actions he did last time when he was mad, weren't so good.

That's when I had remembered that I was supposed to do something for him last night although he didn't text me nor call me. I stayed up an hour after he said he was going to come and didn't get anything from him so I went to sleep.

I woke up and got the house phone. I had nothing from him. I was desperate to know what was going on, so I called him.

"What?" He answered immediately.

"Is everything good? I mean you didn't come last night and you seemed angry and all."

"Yea, whatever. And about last night date changed to Saturday."

"Are you going to tell me anything?"

"Sure. I'll tell you after you get out of school."

"Speaking of school you still picking me up?"

"Yea, is that all?"

"Yea, b-" I said but he already hung up. I rolled my eyes letting it slide by and I got up and did my morning routine.

I put on a Blue Sleeveless Shirt, a Knitted Cardigan, Khaki Pants, and Ankle High Sandals. I've been in a khaki mood lately. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. My father stopped me in the living room, "Why didn't I see you none yesterday."

"Maybe you weren't awake." I lied.

"I was in here all yesterday. Where were you?" He got up from his chair.

"You must've not seen me." I continued to lie.

"Do you think I'm stupid or something?" He questioned me, getting in my face. That's when I thought about the threat that Don told my father. I couldn't prevent him in any way of not hitting me, so I was getting prepared for the worst. "Are you ignoring me?" he yelled, snapping me out of my thought.

"N-n-no." I stuttered. A horn came from outside, making me jump.

"That must be my ride." I quickly said trying to get out of the conversation. I turned headed towards the door and my father pushed me against the wall, "Tell him anything! That will be the last thing you do." He threatened me. He let me go and walked away. I went outside and he was there. I was confused as to why he was so early. I went down towards him, and his expression was blank. "You gone get in?" He questioned me.

"Why are you here so early?" I questioned.

"You want a ride or not?" He answered my question with a question.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I was getting tired of his attitude. He took me by my forearm and pushed me against the car, pressing his body against mine, "Your father is my problem." He said in a deep whisper.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked him.

"He killed my nigga yesterday as a threat. Only reason he ain't dead right now is because of you." He explained.

"How do you know it was him? And if it was, why didn't you kill him? You don't like him and all you want from me is sex. You're supposed to be big and bad, but it surely doesn't look like it." The words just slipped out of my mouth.

"Your father didn't wear nothing to hide his face, and they know how he looks from the day I beat the shit out of him." He explained to me. He leaned in towards my ear, "And if I killed him, that would bring my chances down with you." He whispered, and then grabbed my ass. I gasped, pushing him off of me, and hitting on his chest. He was dying laughing. I rolled my ass and stared at him, "Ight let's go."

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