Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning and everything from yesterday felt like a dream. I didn't know what to think or how to feel. I had s many emotions about it, that I had none. I wanted to cry, even though the things he did to me, he was a better person before that and he was my father, and I didn't have one anymore. I wanted revenge on Don cause I knew he set up for his boys to kill my father. He didn't want me in the house that night so his plan could fall through, or maybe he did have a heart and he didn't want me to see. I wanted to scream cause I feel so stupid. How could I have not seen it coming? How could I, I would never think he would go as far as killing my father. Well, his little statement of only wanting to get into my pants was true, cause apparently he really doesn't care.

I threw the covers off of me and got my phone, I had a few texts and missed calls. I looked through my text and there was one from Don.

'I'm sorry for what happened to you if you need me you know where to find me'

For him seriously trying to play as if he didn't do it killed me. I just laughed at the text. He really thinks I am that dumb. Well, let's just keep his thinking going.

'It' all coo and yea' I replied. Not trying to sound to fake. I replied to a few other text. I called Summer and she answered, "Hey, Doll Face." 

"Hey, can you get Charles and come over?" I asked.

"You already know. See you in 30." She said before hanging up. I got up and did my morning routine and put on a plain t-shirt, shorts, and sandals. I walked into the living room replaying the events that might have happened, looking at the place where my mother secretly watched, looking where the dried up blood still is where my father dead body laid. I shook it off and went into the kitchen. I pulled out my mother medicine and headed towards her room. I opened the door and she was sleep. I slowly walked up to her and lightly shook her waking her up. "Ma, wake up. You have to take her you medicine." She groaned a little and woke up, slowly laying up. I knew she was drained, and probably a little shaken up. I handed her the medicine and the glass of water. She took her medicine and gave me the glass back. We sat there in silence. "I'm sorry baby girl." She broke the silence.

"It's okay." I said, "You should go back to sleep." I said placing the covers back over her. I kissed her on her forehead before going towards the door. "I love you, baby girl." She said as I opened the door and stopped. "I love you, ma." I shut off the lights and walked out. I sighed and thought about how bad she probably is feeling right now. I walked towards the door to sit on the porch to wait for Summer and Charles. I walked outside and sat in the chair remembering last nights events. I shook my head to shake away the thoughts. I knew it would only make me angrier. A car pulled up and I knew it was Summer. Charles and her got out the car and walked up towards me. "Hey." I smiled at them.

"Someone's happy." Summer said sitting next to me.

"I don't want that to drown me out. I didn't want you guys to come over and console me. I wanted you guys to come over so that you guys could take my mind off of it." I said, trying to get everything clear.

"It's not good to ignore it, cause when you finally do all that you were building up is just going to fall back down on you." Summer tried to make me talk about it.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked.

"Nothing, but could you tell us what happened?" Charles budded in.

"What do you want to know? Someone killed him. A lot of people didn't like him, who is to tell who killed him?" I said.

"Do you think it was Don? Cause you know the little fight they had." Summer stated.

"It wasn't him." I retorted.

"How do you know.

"Cause I was with him." I said trying to take up for him. I didn't want to tell them that he did it, cause if I did they would probably say something to him and they would ruin what I was trying to have going on. They stared at me for a minute, not having anything else to say to me. I felt bad the way I was acting towards them, knowing that they only wanted to help me. I bit my bottom lip and turned towards the spot where Don was last night. Where I got out of the car to run to this spot and find out my father was dead. I sighed and looked back at them, "I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't apologize." Summer said. "You have a lot on your plate, mood swings are alright with me."

"Thought yall only had those when yall was on yall period." Charles said. We both glared at him, shaking our head. A small smile appeared on my face.

"There's a smile." Charles caught it. I rolled my eyes playfully. I sighed and told them exactly what my mother told me, although leaving out the part that I knew. They were silent. "Yea, crazy right." I said breaking the silence, although they didn't say anything. I shook my head. "Hey, can I talk to you guys later?" I asked.

"We didn't get up this early and come over here so that you can kick us out again." Summer spoke up. 

"Please. I'll call you. I mean you got answers and I just needed to talk to somebody to get my mind off of it." I told them.

"But if we leave you're going to go right back to thinking about it." Charles said. I knew they were right, but I didn't have anything else to say to them, and they didn't understand that was the only thing we were talking about. I shook my head. "I won't." I said.

"Okay, whatever. I'll text you.' Summer said getting up.

"Yea." Charles said getting up behind her going towards the car. I watched as they left and got up. I walked inside and headed towards my room. I locked the door behind me and plopped on my bed. And all the memories of my father popped into my head.

-4 Years Old-

This was the stage I wanted to be a cheerleader, so I took gymnastics so that I would be able to do the things that cheerleader do. He came to one of my practices and I wanted him to join in with me. I had to do a split and I told him to do it with me. He said he shouldn't and I begged and begged, and when he finally did, he went down, split his pants and something else also.

-6 Yeard Old-

I was in the living room in my beautiful yellow ball gown and Beauty and the Beast was on. The dancing scene was on and my father took me by the hand and reacted the whole scene with me. At the end he picked me up, "You look beautiful, my princess." He said before spinning me around, my laughs filled the room. He placed me down and got down on his knees so that he would be face to face with me. "I love you, baby girl."

-8 Years Old-

My father was shaving his head and I walked in, "Oh daddy! I want to try." I said. At that time my father had this afro that did not go so well with his face. He told me I could. He lifted me up and sat me on the bathroom counter and he sat down on the toilet so that he would be low enough and I would be high enough that I could cut it. "Be careful." He said. I slowly cut his hair. It was like I was giving him a trim, then somehow I accidentally trimmed too low and it went straight down the middle he looked so funny. I was shocked at first cause I thought he would yell at me. He looked in the mirror and he laughed, causing me to laugh along.

It was a lot a beautiful moments with him that I will never forget. All those moments I would never forget, all those moments I hoped that would continue, and come back. But they didn't, they only got worse, they turned dark, until I couldn't see anything anymore. I'm blind to the fact. Everything is dead to me. I finally cried. At this moment I wanted someone else to cry these tears that were coming from my eyes and onto my pillow.

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