Chapter 25

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I woke up to loud coughing. I jumped up so that I could check on my mother. It was 3:43 am, and I was drained. When I finally did close my eyes I was awoken. I opened my mothers' door and she was still coughing. Her coughs sounded horrible. I walked over to her bed and rubbed her back softly. I couldn't do anything. We had to save her medicine until we were able to buy more. "Ma, it's okay." I tried to reassure her.

After a while, her coughing stopped. She asked me for a glass of water. I got up and went to the kitchen. My back was hurting from the night's previous events. At that moment when Don slammed me against the door it didn't hurt as bad, but now it does. I didn't exactly know what to do, so I was just going to hope time will make it feel better.

I walked back to my mother's room and gave her the glass. She took a sip of it and sat it down. I stood there a minute just to see if she needed anything. "Good night, ma." I said before turning and leaving out of her room.

I walked back to my room and got back into the bed. I tried once again to fall back to sleep but I couldn't. The images of the men who killed my father and the image of Don killing that boy ran through my head. It was sickening. I kept wishing this was all a dream but it wasn't. It was a reality and in this reality, I was going through it alone. It was like people tried to be here for me, but they can't, they aren't. No one understands.

My alarm went off and I looked over and it was 6 o'clock. I groaned and got out of bed. I was contemplating whether I wanted to go to school or not. I sat back down on the edge of my bed with my head in my hands. I couldn't shake what was going through my mind at this point.

I knew it was bad, but I was thinking of suicide. I just felt as if that it was no reason for me to go through what I was going through. I didn't want to go through what I was going through. But I wasn't man enough to do such a thing. And I knew if I did kill myself in the afterlife I wouldn't go to Heaven.

I finally got up and did my morning routine. I placed on a simple T-shirt that had Micheal Jackson on it, Blue Jeans, and red converse. I put my hair into a ponytail and I was done. I went downstairs and into the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal. My appetite was very low and I didn't want to eat it all. I put the bowl in the sink and grabbed my mother medicine. I walked into her room and he was sleep. I shook her lightly telling her to wake up, nothing. I was starting to panic. I shook her a little harder and started calling out for her, nothing. I placed my ear to her face, she wasn't breathing.

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