Chapter 16

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I struggled to make my way behind him, "Don, what are you doing?" I questioned him. When I made it towards him he turned around, "Did he hit you?"

"No, no. Its just the pain from the car incident." I lied.

"You're lying." He shot back at me.

"I'm not." I pleaded. He turned around towards the house and busted into the house. I went behind him grabbing onto his arm, "Stop!" I yelled at him.

"Why are you protecting him? He hits you! And your dumb ass just sits there and takes it." He pushed me away from him, releasing my grip from his arm. I was taken aback by the words that just came out of his mouth. I wanted to yell at him, to confront him for saying the words he just said to me, but my father came in. "What is going on in here?"

"Did you hit her?" Don asked going up towards my father.

"And if I did? That's my god damn daughter." my father shot back. It was silence between the two. The tension was so thick in the air. "Touch her again. You're going to wish you hadn't." Don said, backing away from him, he shaped his figure into a gun. "Pow." He made the sound of a gun as it was aimed towards his head. "Come on, you don't want to be late." He walked past me and out the door. My attention went back to my father and his eyes were piercing through me. I could tell he was pissed. I walked out of the house towards Don's car. I wanted to get away from all that just happened.


Who knew when you missed two days it was so much you missed out on. Summer didn't show up to school today and I was worried about that. Charles tried to talk to me, but I ignored him. I made it through the whole day, people were saying that they were sorry for what happened, hoping that I was okay. Most people would have loved the attention but I didn't. All these people who wouldn't even look at me for a second wanted to come up and talk to me. I hated that so much.

In the middle of the day, the pain in my body got so bad I had to be taken to the nurse's office. She gave me something and the pain went away just like that.

It was after school and I had to go see Summer. I made my way outside and Don's car was filled with girls. I rolled my eyes as I made my way towards his car. I passed by all the girls and made my way into the passenger seat. They all glared at me sitting inside of the car. I could tell that they were pissed at me. And half of those girls that was pissed at me now, was saying that they were happy I was okay and back. I rolled my eyes at the thought as they all left and Don made his way into the car. "I need you to take me to Summer's house." I told him as he put on his seatbelt.

"I'm not your chauffeur." He said.

"You will be today." I smiled at him.

"Not with that attitude. You will be walking."

I sighed aloud, "Will you please take me to Summer's house?" I asked him nicely.

"Ye, I can" I smiled, "Only If you give me something in return." My smile dropped.

"I'm not having sex with you." I groaned at him.

"You will if I wanted you to. But that ain't it. If I take you to her house, you have to do this for me." I bit my lip and thought about it. I needed to see Summer. What worse can he ask for? "Okay." I said. A smirk appeared on his face as he switched the gear into drive.


We arrived at Summer's house. I didn't exactly know what I was going to say, but I wanted to see her. I needed answers to the questions that have been roaming in my head. I made my way up to her apartment and knocked on the door. Her mother answered. "Yes?" She asked me.

"Is Summer here?" Her expression changed from happy to piss.

"Is this some type of joke?" She asked me.

"No." I replied confused.

"You know she is missing, why would you ask that?" Her mother voice started to go into a yell.

"But she texted me yesterday." I told her confused.

"How?" She asked me. I pulled out my phone and went to the text message and showed her. Her eyes widened., "Jermaine!" She yelled out. Summers father came towards the door. "Yea?" He asked. She showed him the phone.

"Summer texted her yesterday." He took my phone and looked at it.

"Can we keep your phone. I want to take it to the police station to see if they can track where the message came from." He asked me.

"Uh, yea. Sure." I said. Not actually wanting them to keep my phone.

"Thank you." Her mother said.

"No problem." I gave them a sly way smile and turned on my heel going back towards the car. I got in and Don stared at me.

"Ain't she missing?" He asked me.

"Yea." I replied.

"So why did you come?"

"She had texted me..." I paused remembering it. "So I thought they had found her. So I wanted to come and check on her. And she hasn't been found yet." I informed her. He didn't respond, he just cut on the car and drove towards my house.


"What are you doing this weekend?" He asked me, pulling up to my house.

"Minding my business." I replied, unbuckling my seatbelt. He reached over me and held the door.

"What are you doing this weekend?" He asked me again.

"I don't know. Whatever comes up." I informed him. He smirked and leaned back in his chair.

"You can hang with me." He said.

"No thank you." I said opening the door. He reached over slamming the door back.

"This is a part of my favor." He said with a smile on his face. I furrowed my eyes at him, "Fine."

"Alright. I'll pick you up Saturday at 9."

"Why so late?"

"Cause what I need you to do requires you to be there late. It ain't no date. If that's what you thought it was." He smirked, but I could tell he wanted to laugh.

"I didn't."

"Good. But I need you to wear something sexy." He looked me up and down. "You might not have a problem with that." I rolled my eyes and got out the car heading towards the house. I really wanted to know what he wanted me to do.

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