Chapter 28

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Before you read, I would like you to know towards the end of the chapter things get explicit. Read at your own cautions. Enjoy.


I was done with him after that. He kept lying to me and lying to me. I had proof that his boys killed my father and the fact he was too much of a pussy to admit that he killed him just got on my bad side. So I went along.


"You look me in my eyes, Donald, and tell me. Tell me that you did not take me out of this house that night and drive me around just so you could send your boys in here to kill him so you could get revenge for him killing one of your boys." I asked him straight up.

"I did not send my boys in here to kill your father." This dude just won't stop with the lies. I bit my lip and looked down at my feet. I wanted to go and find those papers and ask him was this or was this not one of your boys, but I wasn't. "Okay." I said, looking back up at him. He came towards me and hugged me. I thought about it and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back. "I still want the money." I said.

"I got you." He said handing me the money.

"Pick me up tomorrow." I said.

"You sure you want to be alone?" He asked me. I turned around and looked at the empty house and back at him. "No, but I'm hungry." I gave him a smile.

"Come on." He said. I closed the door back and we headed to his car. Once we got in it just became awkward for me. I wanted things to be the same but they couldn't. He kept lying to me and I didn't know why. We pulled up to McDonalds and order two number ones. Once we pulled off he told me not to eat in his car.

"Are you serious?"

"I don't want that mess on my leather seats." He said.

"Dude you probably fucked on these leather seats what could some harmless sauce do?" I questioned.

"Hey, hey. I'm a bedroom type dude. And I don't see you coming out of your pocket to keep this baby the way it looks. You can't dirty Sheila. I like my women like I like my cars, 'clean'."

I started laughing so hard, "Dude, you named your car?" I questioned.

"Yea, I treat her like I would treat my daughter one day." He told me as he rubbed on the dashboard.

"Okay. And you want a little girl?" I asked, kind of interested.

"Yea. I know you do, what girl doesn't want one."

"I do, but not my first child."

"You want more than one?" He questioned.

"Yea. Like I always pictured the older brother-younger sister thing. Although I want twins though."

"Naw, you asking for too much." He said. I laughed little as we pulled up to the house. We got inside and went into the kitchen. We place the food on the table and sat down. When we started eating everything went silent. It was so awkward. We had our awkward glances at each other. After we finished I got up and threw our stuff away and went into my room. Once again it was silent. I started to get frustrated by the silence.

The silence started to make me think about the things I didn't really care for thinking about. It made me think about all the times that my father had abused me. I think I'm started to get mentally messed up from that. I hated thinking about it. I knew the pain it caused me and I started to think why didn't I tell anybody, or why I didn't want anybody to help. I was taking up for a man that hurt me every chance he got. That wasn't fair to me at all. But I'm the one sitting here crying when he died. Why should I have even cared? Once I thought about that I knew that the day for his cremation was coming and I was getting excited. I thought that was kind of sickening of me but I was ready to put him into ashes. I didn't want to keep his ashes at all. I wanted them to burn and be blown away by the fresh air. Make up my own ceremony tradition. I think only I would be sick enough to do that, but I don't want a case of my father sitting in my house forever. I wouldn't want to wake up every day and see his ashes there. It would make me feel as if he was still here. And not in a good way. I shook those thoughts when Don's phone started ringing.

He reached into his pocket at pulled out his phone. He places it to his ear, "Yea?"

"I don't care."

"Don't call me for no bullshit like that! Handle the business." I shook my head as he hung up his phone and placed it back in his pocket. I started to think where would I go? Get a bus ticket to Miami. Live by the beach. Get a job at an ice cream shop or something. But all those thoughts when away when I thought about my mother. I couldn't just leave her here in the condition she was in. I knew that Summer and Charles weren't going to let me go, but I couldn't leave without telling them goodbye. I shook my head at those thoughts. What would I do with the money?

"Don." I broke the silence.

"What's up?"

"Do you think I should do this?" I asked him. He leaned up and looked me in the face. He searched my eyes for an answer.

"If you're questioning your decision then you shouldn't do it." I sighed and looked around the room, searching for an answer that I knew I wouldn't find. After searching my eyes locked back into Dons. "I just... don't know." He got up and came over to me. He grabbed my hands pulling me up from the chair. Our bodies were touching, our faces inches apart. "Do whatever makes you happy." He said softly. I bit down on my lip.

He used his finger to pull my face into his. Our lips came together and he started kissing me, and I didn't reject. The kiss started to get more intense. His hands started to explore my body. His hands reached up my shirt, slowly to take it off, leaving me in my bra. He picked me up and places me on the bed, he climbed on top of me and slowly kissed me from my belly button, my neck, and back to my lips. I took off his shirt and threw it to the side. As we continued to kiss, my hands searched around his abs, leading down to his pants. I unbuckled his pants and he took them off. My heart started to pound once I saw his penis again. He returned the favor and unbuckled my pants. He hooked onto my panties as he pulled them down. Once he got them off, he kissed from my belly button on down.

One he got to that area, he slowly licked it, which sent chills up my body. He maneuvered his tongue around my clit, causing me to moan. He slowly entered one finger, the two. It wasn't painful, it was pleasuring. He stopped and went towards his pants to get a condom, he was a gold member.

Once he slipped it on he hovered over me, kissing on my neck as he slowly slid it in. I let out a gasp as the pain slowly hit me and turned into pleasure after each stroke. He took it easy on me, then he started to go faster. The feelings of it shot all over my body, causing me to arch my back in pleasure, and moan.

Once he hit his climax area, he moved off of me. I just had sex with Don.

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