Chapter 22

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We pulled up to this old house. The grass was high, it looked like it hadn't been cut in ages. Trees branches were growing up onto and going inside of the house. The paint was falling off, the windows were busted. It was an abandoned house. "What are we doing here?" I asked him.

"I said I wanted to show you something." He said walking up towards the house. The house had steps that led up to the porch. The steps were cracked and leaning. Bugs were crawling all around and fly were flying.

My arms were getting tired of swatting, and my nose felt like it was about to fall off. "What are we doing here, Don?" I questioned again. He opened the door, which he had to hardly budge open. We walked inside and you could tell that this place was once beautiful. The huge staircase that welcomes you when you walked in. The flowers that aligned the walls. The beautiful family portraits. The wonderful chandelier that hung above your head that sparkled at night. The elegant furniture and expensive marble. The fine cotton that the family probably slept in every night. It was like it could have been a fairytale... but now it looks horrible.

The staircase was dirty, it wasn't even white. Spiders made it their new home. The flowers hung over the side of the vase to its death. The portraits that were cracked and taken away from where they laid on the wall. The chandelier that fell and didn't sparkle anymore. The funiture, cotton, and marble that collected dust as if it was rent.

"What is this place?" I questioned him as the tour finally came to an end.

"The place I use to call home."

"What happen?"

"My old man was doing exactly what I'm doing. Trusted his friend so much that I guess it was... too much. He was like a second father to me, but we found out that him and my mother was having an affair. My father wanted to kill him, but he was a little too late. He killed him before he could, and my mother being the caring women she is she jumped in front of the first bullet and the second was for my father. This all happened in front of my eyes. Hell, I thought the third was going to be for me. He pointed the gun at me and said if you tell anybody you'll be with your parents."

I was speechless. I didn't know the exact words to say. I felt bad for him. Although I didn't understand how he bottles all of that. Also, why was he telling me this? Instead of thinking that, I guess I said it out loud. "To show you that you aren't the only one. That I am here for you." He said, walking up towards me where he was so close that I could feel his breath. It felt like my mouth was glued shut. My breathing slowly increased because this moment felt as if it was going to lead to something I didn't want.

He was playing with me. He wanted to get on a better side with me so when I did find out I wouldn't be as mad. How would that even work, that would make me madder? My thoughts were interrupted when his lips crashed into mine. I was shocked but I was going to kiss him back. I shoved him roughly away from me. He looked lost and I was getting mad. "Why'd you do that?" He questioned.

"I can ask the same about you." I shot back.

"Why do you keep rejecting me? You know you want me, so what is the problem?"

"You're the problem."

"What did I do?" I paused. I had nothing to say. I didn't want to tell him I knew, I was lost for words. "Nothing." I said lowly.

"Then why are you pushing me away?" He asked, walking back towards me. He used his finger to lift my chin up so that I was looking at him. God, I forgot how good he looked.

That is when he tried again. His lips came to mine again, and I kissed back. Our lips went in sync perfectly. He bit on my lips asking for entrance and I allowed him. He explored my mouth with his tongue, as his hands traveled from his butt up under my shirt. His hands were soft and it brought chills up my spine. I didn't want anything to happen, but this moment... it felt so right.


We were in the car on the way back to my house. Don was pissed. I stopped it when it was about to go too far. I wanted to do it with him, but I couldn't. Although I know what game I was supposed to be playing, that game went down the drain. I couldn't do anything with him knowing that he killed my father. He wanted to fuck me after what he did. "Don, are you going to stay mad at me forever?" I spoke up.

He didn't say anything. He didn't even acknowledge me. I sighed and bit my lip. "Don." Nothing. "I really hope you aren't mad that I didn't have sex with you." That's when he pressed down on the brakes. My body yanked forward but not far thanks to the seat belt.

"Just shut the fuck up. It ain't even about that." He snapped at me.

"Then what is it about?" I questioned him. He turned back towards the road. He was shutting me down again. "Don, why are you acting so hard when I know you aren't. You know you aren't. You have been holding that story in for so long and just because people know about it doesn't make to you any less vulnerable. I don't understand you."

"You are the only person that knows about that story, and I expect it to stay that way." He ignored everything I said and starts driving again. I was starting to get mad. This was not playing out the way I wanted it to. I shook my head to myself. I didn't even know exactly what I wanted from him. I knew he killed him, what else could I want? He wasn't going to say, "Miracle, I killed your father."

"What?" I exclaimed.

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