Chapter 15

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I immediately replied, 'Summer?'

'Baby girl. omg! what happened?'

'I can be asking the same for you...'

'I'll tell you that later.'

'I jumped out of a moving car (:'

'Why in the world would you do that?'

'Because... I was about to end up like you.' Then I didn't get a reply back. I guess I that sounded bad. I wanted to text her back, but I knew she was going to be stubborn.

I didn't have a ride today either so I was going to take my chances. I laid back in my bed and read my messages.

'Good girl, to bad girl, to hurt girl." I read the message from Don. I furrowed my eyebrows at the message.

'Shut up.' I replied.

'She lives.' He immediately replied back to me. I smiled to myself reading the message.

'You heard also?'

'Yea, everybody did. When a girl jumps out a moving car, I think a lot of people would be interested in that.' I rolled my eyes at his smart comment.

'What ever.'

'Why haven't you been going to school?' He asked trying to keep the conversation going.

'Because. I've been minding my own business.'

'Why haven't you been going to school?' I could tell he copied and pasted his last text.

'I didn't have a ride...' I confessed.

'What about gay dude and crazy girl.' I knew he was talking about Summer and Charles. Although that made me kind of mad when he called them that. Also, I guess he doesn't know about Summer, and no one knows what Charles did... but me. 'He is not gay and she is not crazy.' I sent back.

'Whatever. I can take you to school. Remember those days.' I rolled my eyes at his comment. I knew that I needed to go to school so I didn't pass on the offer. 'Okay and yea.. I do.'

'See you tomorrow (;' I could see his face winking at me once I read that. I shook my head and my thoughts went back to Summer. I forgot to ask her why did she thank me? What did I do? I didn't save her, I abandoned saving her. Although that made me think harder. I know my best friend.. if she was back she would be here with me in the state that I am in. She is always here when I was hurt, from childhood to now. Why isn't she here now? Maybe I am thinking to hard about it. I wanted to go to her house and see if she was okay. To see my best friend again. But I knew I couldn't walk all the way to her house. I barely could get up. I groaned at the fact that I couldn't do anything but sit on the edge of my bed.

I tried again to put weight on my leg and it just stung. I winced and sat back down. I wanted to scream. I felt so hopeless. I gave up and laid back down, placing the covers over my body and falling asleep.


I woke up and looked at the clock. 5:43. I rolled my eyes. My father had come to my room and gave me pain pills. I wondered why he had done it. It probably was my mother's idea. He didn't even ask me about what happened, although I wanted to know who brought me home. I didn't want to start a conversation with him, he already looked mad. I laid there in my bed staring at the ceiling reminiscing about the good times I had with my father and mother before she got sick. I wanted that back so bad. But that is only a dream that will never come.

I looked back over at the clock 5:55. Only five more minutes might as well just get up and get ready. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to get up still. I pushed the covers off my body and leaned over the edge of the bed. I placed my feet firmly on the floor and lifted up. There was a little pain that still had me wincing but it was enough that it held up my weight and walked to my bathroom and did my morning routine. When I took off my clothes I looked at my slowly healing body. There were so many scratches and bruises on my body. Some parts hadn't even nearly healed. Some parts had swelled up they were red. I cringed at the sight of my body in the mirror and continued.

I knew that people were expecting me to look bad after what had happened the previous day, but I wasn't going to show them that.

I put on an Aztec Fringe Crop Top, Khaki Pants, and Ankle Hi Boots. I checked myself over in the mirror and headed towards the kitchen. I texted Don to make sure he didn't forget. I pulled out some Fruity Peebles cereal and say down at the table. My father came into the kitchen, "You going to school today?" He asked me.

"Yea." I replied.

"Who is taking you?" He asked me. I went quiet remembering the things that went on with him and Don. I didn't want anything like what previously happen, happen again. Although I couldn't tell a lie cause I know he watches me when I leave out of the house and when he doesn't see Summer or Charles car, he was going to be pissed. "Don." I said lowly.

"Who?" he slammed the refrigerator turning towards me.

"Don." I repeated aloud.

"No the fuck you're not!" He yelled at me.

"He is my only ride." I pleaded.

"What happened to Charles and Summer."

"Things happened that I can't be with them."

"You are not riding with him, talking to him, or seeing him." He snatched me up from the table.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I said so!" He yelled at me, throwing me down. I tried to catch myself and the pain started to spread through my body again. I screamed as the pain increased. Tears started to slowly come down my face as the pain wouldn't stop. "Now who are you riding with?" He bent over and asked me.

"You're not giving me a ride, I don't have no one else."

"Walk." He said again and then left out of the kitchen. I stayed on the floor for a while in the fetal position waiting for the pain to stop.

After a few minutes, I had stopped crying and the pain wasn't as bad as before. I struggled to get back up and into the dining table chair. I finished my food slowly but surely and received a text from Don that he was outside. It took me awhile to make it to the door, but I knew when I got out there I had to fake it as if nothing was wrong. I stood up straight and tried to hold in the slight pain that was still going through my body. I opened the door and he was waiting at his car for me. His attention was on his phone as I was making my way towards him. When he noticed my presence he looked up and eyeballed me up and down, "You sure you fell out a car?" I laughed a little to myself as he opened the door for me. I bit down on my lip knowing that bending down would hurt. "You going to get in?" Don asked noticing that I was still standing there.

"Yea." I said, going ahead and getting into the car. I guess I made a facial expression, hinting the pain. "What is wrong with you?" He asked me.

"Nothing. I just want to go to school." I said hoping he would drop the subject. He stood there with the door opened staring at me. "What?" I asked him turning my head facing his way. His expression turned to anger and I was confused. He immediately turned around and he was headed towards my house.

My dad.

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