Chapter 23

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I wasn't sure if that was in my head or out loud. My eyes stayed on him, staring into the side of his face. He wouldn't look at me at all. He stopped and still didn't look towards me. "What did you say, Don?" I questioned.

"I didn't kill him." He said. I was dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you think I killed your father. I didn't. Nor was it any of my boys, so get that out of your head."

I didn't exactly know what to believe. I wanted to trust him, I wanted to believe him. Although all the signs bring back to it being him. I didn't want to argue, I didn't want to say anything. I just wanted to think who the hell could have killed him if he didn't.

We finally made it to my house and I was ready to get out. I opened the door and made my way towards my front door and he called my name. "What?" I asked, turning on my heel.

"Maybe we can continue what we started?" He smirked. I groaned turning back around, barging into the house. I didn't come home right after school so I knew my mother was worried. It was 7:34. I sighed and headed to the kitchen to get her medicine. I walked towards her room and she was awake. "Hey, mama." I said softly.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"I was out with a friend. He was trying to cheer me up... You know because of what happened... with my father and all."

"Yea, whatever. You could have at least called me and told me what you were going to do. You had me worried sick about you." She started coughing.

"Ma, I'm sorry okay. It won't happen again. Okay? Promise." I tried to make her calm down with a little relief pulled off her shoulder. I feel as if she is going through a harder time then I am. She loved him way more than I did, and she is trying to stay strong for me. I went and laid down sitting under the covers with her. "Ma, have the got a drawing of your description yet?" I asked her.

"Yes, thank you for reminding me." She said laying up to get something. I wanted to ask her cause I wanted to know the truth. Was he lying to me or telling the truth. I knew exactly how his "boys" looked so if the picture of them is them, I knew he lied and I knew who killed my father... And I wasn't going to tell.. I was going to get revenge.

"Here it is." She handed me a folder. I slowly opened it up and there they were, the people who killed my father. I knew exactly who it was, although a part of me didn't want to believe it. I just thought my mother had to be mistaken when she saw these people. It just... How could they kill my father?"

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