Chapter 14

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Sorry for making the chapters so short lately. I somewhat like cliff hangers. I don't like making author notes, cause I feel as if it is just a lot of excuses. I just wanted to say sorry for the short chapters. Now back to the story. ( :

I paced around the room waiting for Charles to text me and tell me to come outside. I was ready to see my best friend or at least try to break her out of where she was.

When I was thinking of this, I wondered to myself why would he even take me to her? He was in on anything that they were doing and now I knew, what if he was going to do the same thing that they did to her to me. Whatever that is.

My phone buzzed inside of my pocket and it was Charles telling me he was outside. I left my room and headed towards the front door, "Did you go to school today?" My fathers voice stopped me. I turned around, "No." I truthfully answered.

"Why?" He asked. He was finally in front of me.

"I didn't have a ride." I told him.

I told you to walk." He was mad.

"The school is too far from here to walk." I tried to make sure that he wouldn't get mad if I lied.

"You are failing, you don't have any time to be missing any days."

"I know, but it was one d-"

"There aren't any god damn excuses. Miss another day, you're going to wish you didn't." He threatened me. I bit down on my lip. That is when a car horn came from outside, Charles. "Who is that?" He asked me.

"Charles." I told him.

"Where are y'all going?" He asked me. I didn't know where we were going.

"To see Summer." He stared at me, then started walking away. I let out a sigh of relief and headed out the door towards Charles car. He unlocked the door and I got in putting on my seat belt. "What took you so long?" He questioned me.

"My father." I informed him. He looked at me, "No, he didn't hit me." I answered the question that he was thinking. He nodded his had and pulled off.

"You aren't going to pull anything on me?" I asked him.

"No, why would you think that?"

"Well, maybe because I didn't think that you would do that to Summer." I said.

"I didn't do that. The other dude did." He corrected me.

"Although you knew about it, and knew who she and he was." I told him back.

"I didn't know that she was talking about him." He pleaded. I sighed. I was getting tired of this conversation. "Did you even try to save her after you knew this?" I asked him.

"No." He plainly said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause, if I did. I wouldn't get paid." He shrugged his shoulders. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. I was getting more mad than before. "Then why are you taking me now?" I questioned him. He became silent, and I became nervous. "Charles?" I called out his name.

"Charles!" I yelled his name this time. He wasn't even looking at me. He was paying attention to the road as if I wasn't here anymore. "Let me out." I said. He kept driving.

"Let me out!" I yelled at him. That is when he picked up the speed. I looked out the window at how fast the trees and buildings were going past us. I took a breath, I knew I had to jump out. I bit down on my lip and looked back at Charles, "Let me out." I said one last time as slowly. Nothing. I unlocked the door and swung it opened, "What the fuck are you doing?" Charles finally spoke and noticed what I was doing. I closed my eyes and let myself fall. The fast pain started to hit my arm, back, and leg as I rolled out moving car. I screamed at the pain as I finally stopped rolling. I opened my eyes and I had no idea where I was.

I couldn't get up. My leg was hurting badly. Blood was spilling out of different parts of my body, and all I could was stay there in the fetal position and cry. I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I had no one to call or nowhere to go. I felt so alone as the pain started to increase in the parts of my body. I wanted to get up and ask for help, but I had no strength. I started to think to myself was it or was it not worth it to jump out of the car. Maybe he was actually going to let me go and see my friend. Although he started to act suspiciously.  How was I going to save her when I was going to be in the same state as her. It was no telling what they were doing to her. Maybe she wasn't hurt. Just maybe she was having fun. Maybe she would be back at school tomorrow and so will I. Maybe this pain isn't real and my best friend didn't turn on us. Maybe I am just going crazy. I had no idea. Although I did know that a car pulled up. The lights were beaming bright and I could not see. I heard the car door slam and they got out. I could see their figure in front of there lights coming closer towards me. All I know is, I hope that this will all be alright.

I was inside of my room. I looked around to confirm and I was. I was confused. My head hurt so bad. I pulled the covers off of me and my body was bruised. The things that happened that night were true, but how did I end up home. The pain that I was feeling before wasn't as bad. I leaned over the edge of the bed trying to take everything as slow as possible. I got up and searched the room for my phone. I had a few missed calls and a text. Although one stood out to me. It was from Summer.

'Thank you.'

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