Chapter 1

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New story, something different for me (bxb) but very nice and inspiring to write :) hopefully, to read too!

Not the happiest start, but somehow easier for me to write right now and this story is therapeutic and inspirational for myself, with the social anxiety and bxb topics. Not going to be all sad!!

Feedback warmly welcomed and appreciated, vote if you like it so far and comment what you think! It's just the 1st chapter, more to come...!

Thank you for reading, please share and I want to interact with you guys so don't hesitate to comment :)


"I'm terribly sorry for having to deliver these news to you, boys" one of the police officers, the woman said sympathetically.

The two brothers just stared blankly at these two people in front of them.

This can't be true. This had to be a some sort of a joke or something, right? A very bad and lame one. This felt so unreal.

But the boys weren't stupid. Police officers didn't joke about these things or anything else for that matter, and these were real ones too. They were serious.

"I know this is hard and all, and your father was actually a good friend of mine" the man officer said. "I felt like I had to be one of who told you about the accident. It's a shame we met not until now, like this."

The two officers had introduced themselves when they had come in, but the boys had forgotten their names.

They were trying hard to process what they had just heard. It was around 9.30 PM and for a short moment the only noise in the living room was the clock ticking.

"Listen, how about you two come with us and we find a place for you to stay overnight and for a while?" the woman suggested, breaking the tense silence.

"No, we'll stay here" the younger boy said in a monotone voice.

"I'm afraid you can't stay here, at least for long, by yourselves. You're both still minors and need somebody to take care of you. What will you do?"

"We'll be alright. If needed, we can go to my friend's place."

"Fine then" the woman sighed and stood up, followed by her colleague. "It's getting late, we best be off for now. But we'll be in touch, you won't be alone but for now you better try to get some sleep. This case is with us, and we'll work everything out and help you."

"Take care of each other for now, okay?" the man officer said when they shook hands and said good bye.

The younger boy nodded and his brother nodded barely noticeably. He didn't like cops, and now less than before. He hadn't it easy with any people other than his family, but they were the worst.

His family.

When the police officers had gone, Aldo Diarmid closed the front door and made sure it was locked. He was the younger one, with fifteen years of age.

His older brother, Dan, was seventeen. His character wasn't too social in the first place, but because of an accident years ago in a situation full of people, he had become more quiet and anxious around people, to say the least.

Not with his family though. After the incident it was like Aldo was the older brother, his character was quite the opposite from Dan's. But however they were best friends, nothing could separate them.

The brothers looked around themselves in the quiet room, or rooms. They were in the hallway, from where one could see to the kitchen and living room.

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