Chapter 54

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"Drink this" Jared said softly, giving him the water cup when he began to stand up.

Dan glanced at him awkwardly but took the cup and drank, even if his throat and stomach felt like burning. He knew Jared wanted just to help, and must have been in his position so it had to work.

As he was drinking slowly, Jared took Dan's toothbrush, put toothpaste on it, passed it through running water and gave it to Dan when he had finished drinking.

"Trying to get off the hook by caring like this now, are we?" Dan asked quietly and started to brush his teeth, needing to get off from the extremely awful taste in his mouth. He promised himself he would never drink again, with this hangover he was assured he didn't handle it well.

"No, just wanting to take care of you" Jared said. "We'll talk when you're ready. I'll go now to order breakfast here."


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Dan stared at the pure affection and sincerity in Jared's eyes and then cleared his throat, feeling ashamed. "I'm sorry, Jared, for what I did last night with someone else."

"You have nothing to apologise for."

"I do, it was wrong of me, no matter what. We both did bad. Please."

"Of course you're forgiven..."

"There's no of course about it but thank you" Dan said and sighed. "What's the time? We need to pack before leaving for my work."

"Pack what?" Jared swallowed.

"Jared, I'm not staying here any longer with...that money."

"Eh? But...what will we do then? Where can we go? Dan, sweetums, please, I can't -"

"Margery offered us a room at her house yesterday" Dan interrupted taking his hand. "I'm texting her now to ask if we can come for sure. It's okay, but we can't use that money as that'd just remind both of us."

"So I did that for nothing, huh?" Jared noted sadly, looking down at their joined hands.

"Not exactly. I mean, we're together again, aren't we?" Dan gave a small smile.

"Are we?" Jared looked at him hopefully. Dan nodded. 


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It was smaller than both were used to but more than they needed. Dan liked this better than the fancy hotel room, although he had enjoyed it too at the time for a while.

"Great, take your time to make yourselves comfortable and at home" Margery let them in to the room. "Have you darlings had anything to eat yet?"

"Yes, we had a good late breakfast just before coming" Jared said amused, she was worse than his mum.

"Well then...oh, I know you probably won't have any use to it but I'm bringing an extra mattress" Margery said fussing and disappeared behind the corner but continued to speak. "Just in case, there's only one bed although I know how young people are... Oh, and I need to drop by the grocery store on my way back from -"

As her voice faded, both Dan and Jared burst into flustered, quiet laughter.

"Okay, I have an inkling we'll be quite alright here too, sweetums" Jared grinned squeezing Dan's hand who nodded with a smile.


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