Chapter 52

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But although he was fascinated by the story he was reading, he was currently more intrigued by the gorgeous guy sleeping beside him. Ever since waking up and remembering last night, reassured it wasn't just an absurd dream by feeling himself being naked under his duvet and noticing Jared's lower half was covered with his duvet but upper body bare, indicating he was too.

Oh my gosh... Dan had tried to hold his dirty thoughts off what happened last night by trying to read the great story but it still remained at trying. What was happening to him, Dan shook his head amused as his eyes locked again at studying Jared's enchanting face.

Despite everything, he still was ever so happy for falling in love with Jared, and Dan was bursting of joy at being loved back by him.


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"I've finally found my future job, well, my dream goal at least" Ze said eagerly with a smile. "I want to become a model. What do you say, could I make it anywhere at that direction? I haven't asked anyone else yet, but I trust you two for a honest opinion."

"Well, you are fairly beautiful and if you have the willpower that's needed, I think you could give it a try" Jared said, handing the magazine back.

"Really?" Ze asked all excited and Jared nodded with a chuckle.

"I don't know too much about that, but isn't becoming a model quite, well, complicated?" Dan queried.

"It might be but I'm just at the start point, dear" Ze said and finished her coffee. "In any case it's not happening tomorrow, but now I have something to work and look for. Well, I need to go now and you too, Dan. See you guys on Monday" Ze smiled brightly, kissed both boys on the cheek and was gone in a flash.

"Well, it's good to have high ambitions" Jared shook his head in amusement, and then checked the time from his phone. "It's one, you better go, sweetums. I'll be here."


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-Better not let your little sweetheart see this but just for...

Dan swallowed and without further thinking, quickly opened the phone as he knew the passcode and opened the two messages.

He didn't even get to read the text, when the photo was enough to shock the breath out of him, literally for a few seconds.


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"Where are you going?"

"To help us get even more money or something, you should've told me earlier it's quite easy" Dan said and gave a mirthless smile at his boyfriend's shocked expression. In the bus he had had time to think, most likely not wisely at all but he didn't care. "Don't worry, your little sweetheart will be just fine. Silly me thought last night and this morning it was something special, but it's just sex so surely I can have the same fun."

"Dan, it doesn't work like that...and it's only three i-in the afternoon!"

"Why? Oh, is it just an evening thing?"

"Yeah" Jared said desperately, lying but hoping that would give Dan time to calm down and take back.

"Then, I'll take a walk before that" Dan nodded and turned to go back outdoors.


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