Chapter 35

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After school Ze had driven with Dan and Jared to their home and the three were currently in the living room doing homework before dinner and she would need to go home.

She and Jared were on the couch as he was helping her with occasional problems and Dan was reading on the floor, lying near the couch on the thick, soft carpet.

"I hate this, I'm so stupid" she snapped, frustrated about having to write down a complicated word and failing multiple times.

She was always trying hard to put a brave face and not complain, but she hated her difficulties and sometimes she got too frustrated to hold it in.

"You're not stupid, you're doing better" Jared said calmly and stopped her from snapping the pen broken. "You can do it."

"Tsk, right" Ze rubbed her eyes and stood up suddenly. "I'm taking a break, and I need to use the bathroom."

When she was gone and Jared heard the downstairs bathroom close and lock, he lowered himself to sit on the floor.

He called for Dan, who lay next to him, and when he got his attention from the chemistry book, he leaned down to press his lips against his.

Dan's eyes widened surprised and pulled away blushing, looking around. He knew Jared wouldn't kiss him if someone was there, but he had been so deep into reading and he needed to know.

"It's okay, Ze went to the bathroom" Jared whispered putting his hand on the side of his warm face.

He stopped Dan from sitting up and leaned back to kiss him. The deepness and need in his voice and touch was clear to Dan who was slightly taken aback but let him closer as it was him, so that Jared's body was partly on top of him.

They cherished the recharging kiss, being together, and at some point the book had dropped from Dan's hands and one hand held onto Jared's free one as the other supported him.

But it wasn't long until they both heard the front door open, and Jared quickly stood up and sat back on the couch just before Liron and Trina came into view.


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He couldn't wait until the day when this would be normal, when he would be used to this all like he was before. But so far still, he was doing pretty well towards his goal.

At some point Jared felt his phone vibrate in his jeans pocket and he picked it up. It was a message from an unknown number, so he frowned a second until he opened it.

-I know about you and your boyfriend.

"Something wrong?" Ze asked looking up and noticing his sudden startled expression, staring at his phone.

He looked up at her, in high level of shock.

"No, everything's okay."

Ze shrugged and continued writing, knowing he would tell if there was something to be worried about.

Jared gulped and tried not to overrate this, maybe it was sent just to a wrong number or a joke.

-Who is this?

He pressed send and hoped for a quick reply. But there was no way nobody could really know about him and Dan, was there?


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