Chapter 55

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"I'm what today?"

Margery grinned looking back down to her papers. "Free, you're not coming to work this time."

"W-why?" Dan now looked at Jared next to him and swallowed at the looks. What was going on?

"My goodness with you, just go and let your hubby tell as I'm sworn to secrecy. Jared, take him upstairs now before wasting more precious time."

Jared agreed with a grin and directed Dan with him upstairs, while Dan muttered blushing about Margery being a bit too early as calling Jared his hubby.

"Just sit down, like that, and wait here for a moment, sweetums" Jared said, leading Dan to the living room couch and lightly pushed him down to sit. "And let me take this to our room already, I'll be back soon so just relax" Jared took Dan's school bag and disappeared to their room before Dan had time to utter a word.

"What are you doing?" totally stunned Dan finally got his mouth open, even if he couldn't see him anymore.

Jared popped his head from behind the corner just to say with a smile, "It's a surprise, you'll see."

Shaking his head, Dan took a deep breath and waited. He wasn't quite yet comfortable alone in the flat, except their room, even if the atmosphere was cosy and easy, just like the coffee shop downstairs.

The walls and floor were so thick that the noises weren't heard to upstairs almost at all. He was still so grateful for Margery who let him and Jared stay here, and expressed that every day by words or actions.

Fortunately the wait wasn't long, until Jared came back and took Dan's hand.

"It's all okay now, come."

Dan was suspicious and nervous about the secrecy but decided to follow his boyfriend and go with it for a while longer before demanding to know what was going on.

But, he didn't need to wait any longer than to the point of stepping into their room behind Jared. The room was dim as it was almost dusk outside, so the light from the scented candles on the floor was noticeable.

Dan stared with a flushed expression, starting to think Jared had remembered and thought of it. He didn't have much time to just feel the butterflies inside him, before Jared next to him put his arms around him.

"This isn't much but I wanted to do something. It's our two month anniversary and it has to have something special."

"Y-you remembered?" Dan asked, needing to say something but also surprised. Jared looked at him confused.

"Of course I remembered."

"I...I wasn't sure as you missed the one month. Of course, I almost forgot too, we weren't quite together then and I think these counting months are silly so it's completely fine."

"How could I forget? Dan, you know I counted even days" Jared chuckled. "And I'm silly when it comes to you. I remembered that too, and I'm so sorry we spent it separately like that."

"It's fine, I told you. How things are now, matters. Although that heart is a bit too much, don't you think?" Dan pointed at the candles on the floor, forming a heart.

"It's not too much at all, it's special. I love you, sweetums, and my heart is yours and yours is mine."

"You're just chatting me up again, stop it."

"Maybe, maybe not" Jared winked.

"Now you're just teasing" Dan couldn't help himself but to give a laugh.

"What teasing? I'm not teasing, I don't even know what that means" Jared shook his head innocently, and before Dan could open the slightly parted mouth on his incredulous face, Jared snatched his mouth in a sweetly fierce, mind-blowing kiss.


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