Chapter 25

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Dan was, what he did the best, sitting on his usual position on the bed and reading.

After Trina's sister had left and she started unintentionally to fuss over Marc to settle in, he said good night and retreated upstairs.

He really enjoyed this short time alone, just reading a book thinking about that world. Today had been an eventful day for him again and he was still quite overwhelmed.

When Jared eventually came to their room, he was so into the book that he didn't notice. He was lying on his back with his head almost hanging from the bedside, holding his book in the air.

The noise from Jared throwing his phone on the other bed but of course it bouncing to the floor, startled him back to reality and he quickly sat back up properly.

"I'm sorry" Jared grimaced, but Dan flashed a reassuring, small smile soon, as it was nothing to worry about.

He always had to double take that rare, special smile he still found indescribably cute. No matter what, he couldn't get rid of his eyes and some of his feelings.

But Dan had started to show that smile to him and his family more often, and he knew he didn't do it for nothing, so he dared to hope things were going better for him.

He would always care for him, but he wished not for much longer like he has and still does.

More than anything else, Jared was relieved about Dan and Aldo staying here for good, about his parents possibly being their guardians. He couldn't stand the thought about them, at least Dan, leaving and who knows where.

"Are you okay?" he queried, nodding to the book next to Dan and how he had been so into it.

Dan nodded, but he was nervous because he wanted to ask something.

Quite honestly, he didn't understand why it was so hard to speak. He had spoken to these people, and he could almost say he trusted them.

It was his mind that was still against him, but not for long. He would get control of himself and show who he was, better than this.

"I-is...he okay?" he asked quietly, referring to Jared's cousin.

Almost every time he had looked at Marc, he was looking already at him. It was a strange expression, and he was uncomfortable being looked at.

But something in this younger boy fascinated him, and made him feel sorry for him. It was mostly because both of them didn't speak, and there was something behind Marc's reserved character, like with him.

Dan couldn't speak, but Marc was mute. He literally couldn't.

He had a dirty, small notebook and pen to write if he needed to say something. Of course, Trina would make sure he gets better supplies being here, including proper notebooks and clothes.

With his mother, he had sign language. That interested Dan, but he had to learn to speak normally again. He wanted to learn more about the new kid, and maybe learn the sign language with him.

Jared frowned, not pleased about Dan's harmless interest in his cousin as he didn't know what he was dealing with.

"As okay as he can be right now" he said sitting down on his bed, trying to turn the frown down for his sake. "However things are, I can't believe his dad actually kicked him out. Nobody deserves that."

Dan had noticed of course his glares at his cousin, although not the reason behind it, and wasn't sure if he should ask.

"Do you...k-know why?"

"Why he's kicked out?" Dan nodded. "Yeah," he said sadly, but noticed Dan's look at him like he was waiting for more. He hesitated for a moment.


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That made Dan look up but before he could do anything, Wilder switched the lights off and laughing with his friends closed the door, which locked automatically.

Dan hugged his knees and froze. It was pitch-dark and the room was small.

Few moments passed, until his mind started to run again, to his bad. When he was alone, he let it out and he broke down, feeling like the walls were falling over him even if he couldn't even see his own hands.

His schoolbag was taken, which he had had with him as the two previous lessons were in another classroom and his phone was there, so he couldn't even call for help if he were able to move.

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