Chapter 44

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"No," Ze shook her head, "no, you didn't, he said you're having a break."

"What's the difference?" Dan frowned, but forcing himself to think he didn't care.

"Well..." Ze said and thought, what to say to make him feel better and wonder greatly what on earth had got into Jared. "Just trust me it's only a break, dear. He's crazy about you, I won't believe he'd break up with you like this. I smell something fishy here, and I'll catch it, you just wait a bit. But I'm warning you to prepare yourself, I'll punch that bastard when I see him next time."

Dan gave a small laugh. He was grateful of her, but really hoped she was only joking. Nobody deserved to be hurt because of him, and he didn't want to hope or keep on thinking vain thoughts.


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"Oh my god, shut up or change the subject, please" Dan implored mortified, and also a wave of immense sadness washing through him. He didn't want to feel that. Jared hadn't really loved him. He couldn't understand how easily Ze talked about such things, no matter how close they were.

Ze burst into laughter.

"You're too cute, dear, but let's -" she was cut off by her phone ringing and she picked it up with a sigh. "Hi, mum...what? - slow down, mum, what's going on? - I can't understand what you're saying, damn it - what?! - yeah, I'll be there soon" Ze muttered and hang up. "Dan, I'm sorry, but I need to go home already."

"Don't apologise, but what's happened?" Dan asked, her tense, worried face making him concerned.

"It's, uh, dad. He had a...heart attack" Ze said with a frown. She wasn't too fond of her father, but she was nonetheless scared.

"Oh my...I'm so sorry...what can I do, can I help somehow?" Dan asked nervously.

"No, thanks. I'll say if there comes up something. I'll drive you back home now and then go myself" Ze said and turned to the other direction.

"This is an emergency, Ze, you need to go so I can walk home myself -"

"No, I'm not allowing you to be alone now, but we need to go now so don't argue" Ze said firmly, Dan knowing there was no time or room to protest with that tone.

He sighed as they walked to Ze's car which was parked at the parking line along one of the park sides, and from there they drove to the Meguyer's, home. He knew she thought the same like Jared had about letting him go alone. Surely he appreciated the concern but he wasn't that bad anymore, and even if it would be easier and he felt like it, he wouldn't try take his life.


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But almost the next second after he had stepped inside and closed the door behind him, he was faced with the last person he wanted to see just yet. Or so he thought.

"Dan, I'm sorry but you have a persistent visitor" Jared said quietly to him at the door, before Dan could see who were in the living room. "I tried to kick him out, but he wouldn't leave until he talks with you."

"Who?" Dan asked having started breathing brokenly while he spoke, as Jared's voice was annoyed. Visiting him?


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When Dan was settled, Jared turned his angry glare at Logan, who looked shocked.

"See? This is all your doing" he said.

He knew he was partly to blame for it today, but it still had been Logan and the gangs who had started this and got Dan into this state. Even if Dan had been better, Logan now got to see what Dan had suffered for too long until lately, so yes, he blamed this all on Logan. And so did everyone else in the room too, including Logan himself.

"I'm... I didn't know -" Logan tried gather his words composing himself, but was interrupted.

"Of course you didn't know, you let all that what happened, happen, and then just ran off like a fucking wimp" Jared fumed.

"Watch your tongue, boy" Trina said with her raised, warning tone.

"I'm sorry -"

"Just a sorry won't fix this" Jared cut Logan off again, pointing at the passed out Dan.


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"I'm not a good friend" Jared said slowly in thought. "He went out earlier because we had...words. What I said must have triggered him into this reaction."

"Words? As in an argument?" Naomi asked with irritation, remembering well how it had been with these two before. She didn't want to go back to those days.

"I don't want to talk about it, but yeah, sort of, in a way..." Jared trailed off and groaned.

Naomi huffed and opened her mouth to speak, but her phone rang snapping it shut. She knew it was a call she had to take.

"Fix it" she said shortly but concisely, and left the room too.


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