Chapter 37

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Eventually Ze came, entering the coffee shop and spotting them hurried over to take the seat next to Jared.

"You haven't revealed him anything, have you?" she asked him as greeting, glad to sit down for a bit. Today was a busy day.

"Of course not" Jared smiled in anticipation of Dan's reaction.

Ze took an object from her handbag, which caught Dan's attention from the second it was visible, and put it in front of him on the table.

He stared at it for a while, glanced at his two friends waiting for him, and looked at it again. He wasn't aware what was going on.

"It's a camera" he stated quietly the obvious. Why was it put like that in front of him?

"You're quick" Ze smiled at his almost enchanted look. "It's yours."


"The camera is yours. Ducky told me you used to like photographing, so I'm giving my other camera to you" Ze explained and took a swig of Jared's drink.

"I...I c-can't take it" Dan breathed shaking his head, not able to take such a thing for free, even if his stomach was starting to do excited somersaults.

"Of course you can, dear. I have another camera and I've not used this for a while, it's older but works just fine actually, so it's better with you in use than in my bottom drawer."

"Well, uh..."

"Come on, look at it" Ze smiled with raised eyebrows. "Look how it's begging for you to take it and be its friend, it has been so lonely for too long."

Jared shook his head in amusement at her selling talk.

"Are you absolutely sure you don't need it?" Dan queried after a moment of hesitating but daring to consider.

"Yup, it's already yours and I won't be asking it back. Well, now, I must go actually back, I'm helping to prepare for tonight's party."

"See you there" Jared said, and shared a quick kiss with her.

"Thank you, Ze, really" Dan said forcing himself to speak to thank her, even if his mind was a positive mess. "This means a lot."

"No problem, I'm glad it gets some use" Ze patted softly his shoulder and then after good byes left in the same hurry as arrived.

His gaze remained on his new treasure and his boyfriend knew the surprise was successful and good.

"You can take it, you know, it won't bite" Jared said with a content smile. If they weren't in public, he would have hugged him and given many kisses all over his cute face.


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"Do you really...think I can do it?" Dan asked, needing his opinion.

"As far as I see it, this job is made for you" Jared smiled and pecked his lips before releasing him and going to his bag of clothes. The proper wardrobe Liron had ordered for them was on its way.

Dan took his new camera from Jared's bag, went to sit down on his bed and placed it on his bedside table. He couldn't wait to message with his brother later.

Was he really finally getting along with life again?

This was like a dream come true, to get a job even for a while in the area he was passionate about.

He decided if Jared believed in him like that, he could believe in himself too.


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