Chapter 51

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Currently, when Ze parked temporarily in front of one of the city hotels, she gave a dreamy sigh and opened her seat belt. As she didn't hear any movement from the backseat, she looked back and saw both Jared and Dan fallen asleep, still holding hands.

Ze smirked picking up her phone from her coat pocket and took a photo of the sweet moment. Then she cleared her throat exaggeratingly, and still not getting any response, loudly clapped her hands twice.

"Dear gentlemen, your private driver has reached your requested destination" she said politely, when Jared groaned waking up and Dan snapped awake. It wasn't even 5 PM, but she understood the day must have been hard.

"Oh, well thank you so much, kind lady" Jared said with the same formal tone grinning, and then turned to Dan next to him. "Are you okay?" he queried softly and Dan nodded with a smile.


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"What's romantic about hotels?" Dan frowned amused.

"What's...Dan, dear, don't you know even this? In at least one of the boy love movies, the couple had a romantic evening and made love for the first time in a hotel. Oh my god, I really want to turn myself into the bed sheets, or even a fly stuck on the ceiling, watching you two making sweet, magical love! But I can't, I don't know how, oh what should I do!"

Dan blushed staring at her. "You should calm down."

"How could I?! You see, there's this series -"

"And please stop watching those movies and series, they're not good for you" Dan whispered. "I'm living a totally real life here, thanks. I wouldn't have needed that information, now I'm nervous!"

"Sorry, just best friend allowed teasing" Ze laughed and then whispered suggestively. "No need to be nervous. Just relax and remember good preparation, dear, it'll hurt less."

Dan gasped and pushed her away. "Leave me alone, you're crazy."

"Ducky, your boyfriend is abusing me" Ze whined louder so that Jared turned to them. "Tell him to stop. Abuse each other, leave me out of it" she muttered and went back to open the front seat door to leave. "Call me, tomorrow morning or see you in school, Dan, and tell me all the details, okay?" she winked and quickly went inside the car and drove off when Jared closed the boot.


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"Jared, um, there's only one bed" Dan remarked uneasily.

"Well, it's big enough for two and this room was one of the less expensive so we can stay longer if needed" Jared explained, opening the door to a small bathroom with a satisfied smile. Although what he said was true, he had still on purpose chosen a room like this.

Dan sighed. That was why the receptionist lady had given them a strange look, for sure. Although they had slept together in a single bed last night, this was completely different and he really didn't appreciate the absurd thoughts Ze was giving him.

"I'm taking a quick shower, want to join?" Jared asked teasingly, and Dan's cheeks turned pink.

"No thanks, I'm fine."

"Okay. Let's order room service when I'm done, I'm hungry and it's almost dinner time."

"Why room service? Wasn't there a restaurant or something downstairs?" Dan queried.

"I thought that'd be better for you..."

"I don't want to bury myself in this room or anywhere, I want to get used to normal again from the start. I can manage, I'm not alone and I'll tell you if it's too much."

Jared agreed eventually and then went for his shower. While waiting, Dan got more used to the room and was prepared when Jared was ready to go after almost ten minutes.

The buffet style restaurant was on the main street floor and really nice. If Dan didn't get too close to anyone he was alright, and there was no hurry. They got a table in a corner, so that Dan could see around himself.


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"Stop teasing" Jared said, breathing heavily ever so turned on at the sight and feel of his flushed sweetums in his cute pyjamas.

"What teasing? I'm not teasing, h-how could I know what that even means" Dan frowned tensely. "But, um, actually..."


"Nothing, uh, n-never mind."

Jared connected their lips again, but just when Dan was getting into it, he separated them and looked deep into Dan's dazed eyes.

"Tell me."

"Show me how it works" Dan whispered, not meeting his eyes.

Jared blinked. "Eh?"

"You know, it."

Stunned Jared lowered himself again to whisper against Dan's ear, "Do you want it?"

"Huh? I don't even know what it actually totally is, how could I know if I want it?"

"Then we'll wait, sweetums, there's no need to rush it. Yes I want you even right now but I just need to know you're sure -"

"I'm sure I want you to show me..." Dan determined said quietly, and then added in a whisper, "please."

"I'll listen to your body about you and us being ready" Jared said. "Now then...kiss me and take my shirt off."


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