Chapter 31

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But soon he heard again what had woken him up, turning to look to the other bed.

"No...please, wake up...Azure, o-open your eyes...please" Dan was tossing and turning in his sleep, obviously having a nightmare.

Jared frowned in concern, this was the first time he caught him having having a nightmare and talk in his sleep. And who was he talking about?

In any case, it was a nightmare and he couldn't stand him continue seeing it. He tiredly got up and went to shake Dan's shoulder, trying to wake him up.

He didn't need to try hard, because Dan was sleeping lightly and jumped awake almost immediately, causing him to drop on the floor and Jared to take a step back out of the way.

"You're okay, Dan, it was just a nightmare, don't worry" Jared voice was barely above whispering, when he had sat up and began to look around himself almost frantically with wide eyes.

His close voice pierced through Dan's anxious mind, making him realise where he was and it had been a nightmare, but it took time to settle. Of course, it wasn't just a nightmare.

Still on the floor leaning against the bed, he put his arms around his knees to protect himself, before his eyes leaked again.

Jared hated seeing him like this, sad in any way, but not knowing what was going on, he could just be there.

"It was just a nightmare, you should go back to sleep, it's still so early."

"It wasn't though" Dan turned his head just enough for him to hear him.

His mind was getting into overdrive, which was noticeable, but maybe this time it was good for him.

"What do you mean?"

"T-that the nightmares are back, but it all happened and I'll never get over it and I don't know what to do" he blurted quickly trying not to cry like a fool, verbally exploding.


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Noticing Dan watch the cartoon on the TV, Marc took his new notebook and wrote. He then handed it over to Trina, who translated it for Dan.

"He says he knows it's childish, but this cartoon was the only programme he doesn't get frustrated in not understanding what's going on" Trina smiled.

It was a cartoon with almost no talking, just noises. Dan liked cartoons, personally not thinking it was childish to watch even if he knew he shouldn't anymore. But he didn't care, he would never get too old for them.

"I-it's not childish at all" he said quietly, and Trina translated it to Marc. He gave him a friendly smile and got one back.

Soon Dan got the urge to go out for a walk, as the sun shone brightly and invitingly through the windows.

He informed Trina where he was going and went upstairs to get his phone and earbuds.

But what he was faced with entering his room, made him stop like to a wall and his heart stop, literally for a few seconds.

Jared was standing there still, holding his diary, open diary.

He had been cleaning their room, but making Dan's bed, caught it lying there and took it thinking it was just a notebook, what it looked like.

He didn't mean to read another's diary. Dan had put it under one of the pillows, leaving it open on the last page he had been writing on.

Jared looked up to him with unreadable expression, and Dan's mind began to hyperventilate and panic and he felt a tear drop on his cheek. He wanted to run, he was too embarrassed, but his body was frozen. He couldn't even faint, to pass the situation.

" think you're in love with me?" Jared almost whispered, going straight to the point with his own thumping heart.


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