Chapter 56

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became longer but unable to split, here we go with the whole last update for this part 1!
obs! i must apologise for this chapter, and tell it has some degree of a trigger warning...i don't know but for me it's triggering lmao

BUT it's gonna be alright that i have to tell and i'm personally excited for the sequel, it's going to be a bit, different and lighter i'd say...

this story has been easier and good to write at this life time, but the same goes for the next part now. "so much had happened during such a short time and suddenly" in this chapter, i know this is a story but this much happenings and intense, is from my own life even if not the same things.

i hope to see as many of you guys there as possible from here in the sequel mentioned below, LOVE YOU all <3


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"Something wrong?" Dan asked next to him on the backseat, worried at the frown that appeared on his face reading it.

Jared gave his phone to him, and Dan got the same expression.

-Let's meet at the park with the bridge near us. Now. I see you. Wanna have a word with you and him.

As Dan was reading the message, Jared looked behind them and noticed the car. He didn't know why but he had a bad feeling about this.

"Ze? C-could we stop at the park that's on our way, at that bridge quite close?" Dan asked.

"Sure, but why?" Ze queried, and Dan shrugged giving the phone back to his boyfriend.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jared asked concerned, knowing how the bridge wasn't exactly a good place for Dan yet.

"If Wilder sees us and wants to have a word, we can't ignore it, can we? And maybe he just wants to talk about something."

"But there..."


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"I think you better just keep quiet for a while and wait if you insist and want to stay unharmed" the man sighed, his voice or expression never changing from the cold and blank.

"Oh yeah, what can you do to me, huh? Who are you anyway?" Ze asked indignantly, still trying to get out of the car but the man was on the way.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but what matter is I have this," he took nonchalantly a gun from his pocket, "so I think you better just stay put. And quiet, preferably."

Ze laughed. "Oh no, sir, you're not going to trick me to be scared of a fake gun. Let me go now, my friend needs me."

"Do you wanna try if this is fake? You better do as I say, to keep you and your friends relatively well off. Stay put and keep your mouth shut, I'm not in the mood to chat with a bitch."

Ze snapped her eyes straight up at the man. "What did you just call me, huh? I don't think you are on the right path here, sir, I'm calling the police" she said and was about to close the window and take her phone from her pocket, but was stopped again.


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"Talk about?" Wilder repeated, with a small smirk.

"You said you wanted to have a word" Jared said.

"Oh, yeah" Wilder chuckled. "About that, I might have understated the word a bit to get you two here."

"Can you make it quick at least, we're kind of going back home so..." Jared trailed off raising an eyebrow, indicating for Wilder to talk.

"Make it quick? Sure, mate" Wilder smiled and nodded to Ben on his right, who grabbed Dan's free arm.

As it was so suddenly, neither Dan or Jared could think or act before it was too late. Dan, already anxious, froze being grabbed and yanked away from Jared.

"What the hell?" Jared snapped, but before he could even take one step to take Dan back, Wilder and River held him.


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"You do if you're doing this to me and Jared, he was your friend!"

"Who you stole from us! We still need him and you're not keeping him any longer."

"I didn't -"

"Just shut up, you're better off quiet."

"Is this h-how you think you're getting him back? By getting rid of me?"

"He'll get over you, as will you. There just are some people types who don't belong together, and our Jared doesn't belong with a loser like you."


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The gunshot was heard and suspicious so there came more people to the park again, what couldn't be stopped. Soon enough Ze got out of her car as the man holding her back muttered something about not having come here to get caught and then left so she hadn't time to call the police for them yet.

She stumbled out and hurried to the spot where Jared lay as fast as her shaky legs took her. Muttering incoherent words and curses she called the emergency number as Jared was by now unconscious.

Remembering Dan was missing with the trio, Ze asked the nearest people, a couple who had come to the park, to call the police.


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