Chapter 50

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"Do you want to get your camera?" Jared's deep, hoarse morning voice snapped Dan's dreamy gaze, Dan coming to notice Jared had opened his eyes and was looking at him with a smile.

"Why?" Dan whispered, his small blush since waking up turning some shades up.

"I can't keep still like this for long being looked at by you, a photo would last" Jared smirked teasingly.

"Oh my...I-I'm sorry" Dan stammered embarrassed and hid his face with his duvet.

Jared chuckled at the cute gesture and uncovered Dan's face, but his eyes remained looking away. "Just teasing. You can look at me all you want, as I can look at you."

"You don't usually wake up this early" Dan remarked.

"I didn't sleep too well, I woke up to your alarm" Jared said rubbing his sleepy eyes, letting Dan use his other arm as pillow.

"I'm sorry, you should've taken my bed as I fell asleep here like that."

"Stop apologising already, sweetums. And I didn't want to, as we don't need to hide anymore. Are you sure you're ready to tell today?" Dan nodded. "I mean, here...elsewhere, where we'll go, will you be alright? You're -"

"I'm better nowadays, I can manage anywhere - almost - as long as you're with me" Dan said. " ready?"


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"I'm not sad...well, I don't know. This is your home, your parents, family. Don't you feel sad having to leave? And am I really worth...all this?"

"Dan" Jared sighed and turned him around to face him. "I promised you, and this has been my goal from the start. Now that I've got the chance, I'm not hiding you or myself anymore. You're worth all this, we're worth all this. Okay?"

"Okay" Dan breathed, positive emotions starting to overcome the negative ones again. He trusted Jared with his life like this, and that scared him but also Jared made him feel safe and good. As long as they were together in this, they would be alright. Right? He suddenly blushed. "But now could you let me go so you can put some clothes on, please?" he almost whispered, Jared was only wearing his underwear.

"Sure" Jared chuckled, but pulled Dan only closer and held his chin up with two fingers as kissing him again. He, or Dan admittedly as well, couldn't get enough of each other.

But just as Dan was about to pull away and scold Jared for trying to distract them, it was only a matter of few seconds when there were three hard, quick knocks on the door and without waiting, in barged an angry looking Liron.

Both Jared and Dan pushed each other away quickly, the first staring with wide eyes at the worst intruder and the latter had started coughing when their lips parted suddenly and he had taken a sharp, startled breath.

Even if they were ready to tell Liron and the others today, they weren't ready to tell yet and like this. But of course, it was too late and both of their hearts and minds raced.

Dan thought he was going to pass out any second but he didn't, having to take deep, inaudible breaths. It didn't calm him down, but it helped him to stay breathing. With his face beet red he didn't know where to look and feared what was happening.

"So it's true?" Liron eventually said, under the pressured atmosphere so calmly and coldly that it was almost scary.

"So is what true?" Jared asked blankly, swallowing and trying to stay composed.

"Don't play innocent with me, I just saw..." Liron began raising his voice, but returned with clenched fists to his calm, cold tone. "Anyways, I just came to check with you something and get it cleaned out, knowing it was just a joke, but looks it's true now."


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