Chapter 11

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As long as Dan could remember, he had never been so grateful of been taken inside a house.

He was now back in his and Aldo's room, wrapped in his two blankets, sat on his bed leaning against the wall.

Trina had brought the brothers a cup of hot chocolate which were warming Dan's fingers right now to be felt again, as Aldo wasn't leaving him out of his sight even for a second, and the silence was slowly but surely calming down them both.

The atmosphere was very cosy and peaceful in the room with Aldo sitting next to him with his phone.

Dan was still shivering of the cold still lingering in his body, and Trina had said he had hypothermia, but the best way to help him was now getting him warm and well here.

They had wanted to get him checked in a hospital, but that would have made things at this point worse. He wasn't in life danger anymore, so Aldo had said no.

Trina had arrived to the location soon, alone and with the same car as in which Dan had been already once, like she was asked.

She tried her hardest not to fuss, letting Aldo have control as he knew how to do with his brother, not to make him feel worse. She admired their relationship so much, and she knew Aldo was responsible for a fifteen years old.

He shouldn't be so much, she thought with pity. He was only fifteen and almost had to act like an adult, taking care of his older brother.

But that's the how the things were, although she did hope they would change. She had been so happy when Dan had spoken to her earlier, but then this happened.

In the car, Dan had felt warmer but otherwise still the same, and claustrophobic too. But the car was a necessity, to get back home.

Jared had offered to walk, but somehow Dan had heard it in his shell and squeezed Aldo's hand. It wasn't much but Aldo had learned to notice and knew what he was thinking about.

Making glances once in a while, Dan had mixed feelings and reactions towards Jared and apparently he had, too.

Sometimes he had that kind and guilty face, then again the frown and angry looking face making Dan sad and nervous.

He didn't know what to think of him, he wasn't making any sense, and that made him very uncomfortable. He wanted Jared to like him.

And of course, the drive hadn't been too long, they were sooner back than expected, and Aldo took Dan inside and upstairs quickly to get his normal body temperature back again.

"So" Aldo started to speak suddenly, when he found his brother calm enough with him.

They had been under the silence for about ten or fifteen minutes.

But Dan, who had stared into space with his eyes fixed on the cup in his hands, still winced.

"Sorry" Aldo muttered, but Dan gave him a small smile to say it was okay. "When you're ready and okay with it, please, tell me what happened. We were so worried, you were just...gone."

"I d-didn't want to be any bother, I'm s-sorry" Dan whispered dolefully, realising he had just been more trouble trying not to be any.

Aldo hated it so much, when his brother thought himself being a bother to him or anybody.

"Hey, stop it, you're here now and okay looking at the circumstances, that's all that matters."

"But -"

"No buts, it's no use. Was...was it Jared?"

"He was right, it was just a glass and I tried not to let it get to me but then what he said..."

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