Chapter 24

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Dan and Trina were the only ones at home and they were peacefully watching TV and having warm drinks in the living room.

It wasn't often this quiet in the house until bed time, so actually both of them enjoyed it. Dan was very comfortable with her, even if he wasn't too talkative. She just was such a warm, nice person even to him.

Trina seemed to understand, speaking casually without forcing him to respond or then they were just under a cosy silence. She wanted to make him as comfortable as possible, and so far she had mostly succeeded.

Suddenly, Trina's phone on the couch table rang. Dan tensed instantly of instinct at the sound, but relaxed back as it was just the phone.

Trina picked up her phone and frowned reading who was calling.

"Dan, will you be alright if I go to the bedroom with this?" she asked, standing up.

He nodded and she gave him a smile before going. He sighed after hearing the downstairs bedroom door close and faint speaking.

It was almost half past eight and the others would be back soon.

Liron had gone to the grocery store and would at the same drive pick up Niall and Jared from their swimming and ice hockey practices. Naomi was overnight at her friend, even if it was weekday.

She was allowed because her parents knew they were actually studying and helping each other. Her brothers called her goody-miss, but it was her last year of school and she liked studying with friends.

Dan hated still being so jumpy and anxious with sudden noises or with people, but he didn't freak out as much after his mistake and hospital visit like before. Now, he dared to hope that was a good sign and he would get better.


When the boy's, again now officially introduced both in English and Portuguese as Marc and welcomed in by Liron, eyes caught the sight of Dan, he got an expression on his face that Dan couldn't quite read.

But Jared could.

He knew that face too well and his own turned into a glare towards his kid cousin.

Turning protective with a hint of jealousy he would never admit, he wasn't pleased Marc dared to look at his Dan like that.


So, Trina and her sister were glad to get Marc here now.

But, Jared didn't like this at all anymore.

Obviously, felt sorry for his cousin, but that alluring, seductive look he was giving Dan was making him see red.

He didn't know if anybody else noticed it as clearly as him. At least not Dan, who was innocently unaware of things.

Around here you just didn't act like that, no matter how good looking one was despite the dirty appearance at the moment.

He couldn't wait to get to have a word with his cousin alone.

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