Chapter 45

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Staring into space, Jared was slowly emptying the glass of cold water in the kitchen. It was past 2 AM and he couldn't sleep, so he had come downstairs to have a drink, which often helped. But even if he felt slightly better and refreshed, the water didn't wash away his distraught, restless thoughts.

When he suddenly noticed a hand wave in front of him and someone calling his name, he jumped almost dropping his glass.

"Huh?" he asked, confused at his little brother's amused, sleepy face.

"Dude, where were you?" Niall smirked but then his expression dropped. "Uh, I just came to say Dan's having a nightmare. The door was ajar so I peeked in but you weren't there, so..."

"Fuck" Jared rubbed his eyes in frustration, and put the glass in the sink after emptying it with a last gulp. "Um, thanks. I need to wake him up."

"Hey, are you okay?" Niall queried with concern, not missing him being upset which was the reason he was up.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about him now, and I have no clue how will go when that son of a bitch comes back" Jared said with a frown.

Niall smiled. "I'm glad he has you though, as Aldo had to go, and that you're friends despite the...rough start."

"Don't remind me, damn it" Jared groaned, and Niall chuckled.

"He seems to trust you even easier than me. I'm sure it'll go fine, if that Logan just keeps his nose clean."

"He better, or I'm not responsible of my actions."

"Oh yeah? What will you do?" Niall asked teasingly. "Just remember no violence or even suggestions in front of Dan."

"Oh I'll find a better for Dan and worst for Logan way" Jared smirked evilly, heading to the stairs.

"Tsk, right" Niall snickered. "Good night, bro."

Jared waved him off and went upstairs to go back to his and Dan's room. After passing out on Logan, Dan had been out of it for almost half an hour on the couch, where he eventually woke up. Trina had made him a hot cup of tea as he had been outdoors and also to calm him down.


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"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Dan asked shakily his roommate, not at all sleepy anymore so he slid himself to sit on the floor too. Jared nodded, looking incredulous. "I'm so, so sorry, oh my god... I thought it was...what -"

"Hey, it's fine, I'm okay" Jared chuckled, even if he was taken aback by the kick which he wouldn't have believed could be given by Dan, his sweetums. "It didn't hurt, you just took me by surprise. That was some damn savage move you did there" he grinned despite the situation and Dan staring at him for a while and then dropping down his gaze, but it turned down soon. "But you don't seem okay, Dan. You just had a nightmare again. What happened?"

"I guess seeing him, Logan, brought them back" Dan said quietly, trying to calm down while fiddling with one of his pyjama trouser hems, his legs being crossed. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, I was awake already" Jared assured. Dan had calmed down enough already so that he yawned feeling sleepy again suddenly, which Jared had always thought immensely cute making his chest tighten, like it did this time as well. "It was me who woke you, but you were having a nightmare and I didn't want you to keep seeing it. Go back to sleep."

Dan chewed over the situation and then nodded. "Thank you."

Without another word spoken aloud, Dan stood up to dive under the warm, thick duvet. Jared looked at him fondly for a moment longer and then went to his own bed too.

With a nice, cosy feeling and thought Dan fell back asleep, this time without nightmares for the rest of the night. Jared still cared, even somehow.


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Naomi was so content, relieved and overwhelmed that she only nodded, but so clearly that it was enough for Logan. He smiled happily and captured her mouth in a heartwarming kiss.

"Yuck, I'm out of here" Niall shuddered and left the room as the kiss was longer than two seconds.

Everyone was happy for the reunion, although Jared and Dan couldn't help but to glance at each other and feel the inner pain at the sight as well. I love you so much it hurts...

Neither of the boys had actually believed that gooey sentence until they both felt it, proving it true. Dan just fiddled with his hoody sleeves, pushing away the feelings rising due to the situation. Jared just couldn't wait for their right reunion and doing the same display of their love, in front of his parents. 


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