Chapter 47

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He began to stand up intending to go back inside, but he was so deep in his thoughts that when somebody called for him close by, he got startled and fell back to sit on the stairs.

"Dan, are you okay?" recognising the voice and finally noticing Ze almost in front of him he snapped back to reality and looked around, it was only her. "Dan?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" Dan said quietly and gave a flustered laugh. "I'm sorry, I was just...thinking."

"Obviously" Ze chuckled but then noticed his red, stained face. "What's wrong, dear? Why are you out here crying?"

"Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to. And I'm not crying."

"Then what's that water dropping from your eyes?" Ze sat down next to him and crossed her arms.

"My eyes are just leaking, must be the cold, that's all" Dan muttered, not too fond of the idea of talking about his thoughts. They were too much thought already, let alone said. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not telling that or moving anywhere from this spot if you're not telling me what the matter is. I'm just worried, dear, you don't look too good. And by now, you should know talking things out will only help you."

"Not in this" Dan whispered, trying his hardest not to let his eyes flood.

"It's about Jared, isn't it?" Ze queried, and didn't miss the look on Dan's face which he tried to cover up quickly. "Listen, Dan. I'm not in my best now either, and I kind of came to tell something and ask for something, but it won't happen if you're hiding something from me. Let' each other, I'd need that."

"Okay" Dan said and hid his hands in his jacket pockets. "I'm not hiding anything, it's just would've been...his and my one month anniver-"

"Oh my dear" Ze blurted and captured him in a fierce hug. "I'm so sorry."

"No need to be. I shouldn't be like this over it, I mean he doesn't surely even remember..."

"You boys are so dense sometimes" Ze huffed and let go of him. "Of course he remembers. That explains his mood today, too. He didn't tell me anything but I just sensed heart problems."

"You're like Margery, she saw through me at once" Dan said quietly, smiling a little amused.

"What can I say, we girls handle these things and what would you lads do without us" Ze laughed.

"Thanks, Ze, really. If I couldn't tell anyone, or didn't have you, I wouldn't make it."

"Of course you would make it, but I'm always here for you and you're for me, right? It's a best friend thing. But I'm so pissed at ducky for letting you two have your anniversary like this. I thought he'd...well, never mind. But this isn't the end, if you're not back together soon, if he's not telling me the truth, I'm going to torture it out of him."


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"Oh yeah, sorry. It's better that Jared tells you when you're finally back together officially, I mean he can show you meanwhile. Yeah, it's best that way."

"You talk too much, stop it" red-faced Dan said, but then sighed. "He said he wasn't with me just because of...that side of a relationship, but now I know he just doesn't...didn't want me."

"Stuff and nonsense, of course he wants you. I can see and sense it, just like I see and sense you two together reunited within the month. He's just considerate and a gentleman towards you. Real love there, dear, real love. And I'm like a cupid."

"You're obviously no angel, Ze. And how can you see and sense it?" Dan frowned.

"It's one of these girl things again, don't bother to understand if you don't."

"They're funny and odd things, girls."

"Yup, aren't they" Ze agreed, then got a mischievous look in her eyes. As Dan was looking away, she scooped two handfuls of snow from the side of the stairs and threw on Dan.

Dan spat some snow from his mouth and slowly turned to look at her properly with an incredulous expression, Ze grinning at his snowy face and jacket.

"You didn't" he chuckled and as Ze didn't expect the reaction, he did the same and in addition quickly half filled the stunned still Ze's coat hood with snow too, satisfied.

Ze gasped. "Oh it's on" she declared standing up and sprinted, starting to laugh when Dan followed joining her.

It was a merry snowball and mere snow fight, and ten minutes later both went indoors being out of breath. Right after, Dan realised he hadn't had this kind of fun in a long long time, and he was glad he was able to go with the flow. It was nice to let go, and laugh, and get attacked and play silly in snow.

Inside, Trina and Marc had witnessed some of the fun and were impressed too. Even if it was soon dinner, Trina made two cups of hot chocolate which were ready when Dan and Ze came in.

"That looked like fun out there, kids" Trina chuckled when the two came in still laughing and with pink cheeks.


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