Chapter 49

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"Then we'll wait and tell when you're ready, Dan. Whatever you want. But I want us to be together again, as in boyfriends. There's no messages to stop us now..."

"What messages?" Dan frowned, he didn't know how he could still speak as he was getting very overwhelmed.

"The messages that Wilder used to...what do you mean 'what messages'?" Jared's frowned and then his eyes widened realising Dan's questioning look. "You mean...but you said you knew why we had a break!"

"I thought...I knew that you were finally bored of me, I wasn't enough or enough good-looking to be your boyfriend so you moved on and you deserve somebody better -"

"Oh Dan, you idiot" Jared breathed and captured him in a tight hug to which Dan didn't react in anyway. "I could never be bored of you. You were my everything, you are my everything!" he whispered and then pulled away to look straight into Dan's eyes, rubbing his thumb on Dan's cheek. "And I wish you'd see yourself like I do. You're the most handsome, gorgeous person ever, inside out, and there is and never will be no other for me. We would've needed Ze into this after all" Jared gave a laugh. "I love you."

"But why did you break up or whatever with me then?" Dan asked quietly, not even trying to stop the tears of overwhelm from flowing.

"It was only because I needed more time. Wilder had taken our kissing photos and threatened to tell my dad if I'm even friends with you...I'm so sorry but I wasn't ready, we'd have nothing and..."

"I thought you became friends with them again, I saw you once with your trio."

"I could never be friends with them again, not after what they did to you and me as well. I was only trying to talk with them about this, but it was no use."

"Oh" Dan muttered.

"Dan, I'm not playing with you, I never have. I really want you and love you, so please, please...accept my apology and let's be together again."

"I don't want to be the one taking away what you have with your family, Jared."

"You're not. If they can't accept me like I am, it's them that takes away what we have. I know what to expect, at least enough, and I'm still choosing you. Do you trust me?"

Dan gave a laugh. "I still don't know why, but I do."

"Then, what do you say?"

"I say...that even if I trust you, I don't trust in myself. I don't think I'm good enough for you. This is a big deal..."

"Let me show to you that you are more than good enough and prove you can trust in yourself. I trust in you. Give me a chance, I'll never leave you again. You're special. I loved you really, I still love you and will love you always."

"Then..." Dan swallowed hard and took Jared's hand from his cheek into his hand, holding it gently but not intending to let go too soon. "I love you, too. And I trust you, and don't want to hide anymore if it's like you said. We can tell your parents, and whatever happens, happens. If we're kicked out and have to go, I'll go with you wherever. You've taken care of me and I trust you'll take care of me in...the future too."


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Dan didn't resist when Jared leaned forward, deepening the still delicate kiss and making them fall over. It felt so good to be back together like this, it made Dan flooded with good sensations. Not only physically, he was so utterly in love with the boy on top of him, almost ravishing his mouth and gently touching his hair and face and neck, that it wasn't even funny.

The emotions that exploded within Dan in that moment were so overwhelmingly euphoric that he felt nearly lightheaded and it made him shiver. His boyfriend again was so hot, and he could admit that again, and good that he didn't know how to be. He didn't know what really was going on, but when Jared moved his lips gradually from his lips to his neck, he turned his head slightly to bare more of his neck to Jared's passion.

As Jared felt Dan's hands move lightly down and stop at his sides, he began to devour his sweetums' luscious neck. When he heard Dan take a sharp breath, he stopped at that spot and sucked. That earned him a moan from Dan which was music to his ears, making him even more excited and Dan to turn beet red and slam his hand over his mouth. Dan didn't know what it was, but that sensitive spot had really shot light, pleasurable shocks throughout him.

"Don't hide your voice from me, sweetums" Jared husked heatedly right at Dan's ear. Dan whimpered and squirmed, and Jared gently took hold of his hand, removing it from over his mouth. "You're too cute and incredibly sexy. I was so miserable when we were apart, but I'm so happy again... are you happy?" he queried, and Dan nodded, unable to speak staring back into Jared's stunning, now lust-filled eyes. "I love you. And I want to make you even happier."

Dan melted completely, and Jared captured his mouth in one last delicate, sluggish kiss, noticing Dan's eyes struggled to keep open being tired. Jared could have continued this moment forever, but Dan needed the rest.

"Let's go to sleep, it's been quite a day and tomorrow's going to be another" Jared said quietly lying next to Dan, caressing his soft cheek, and then almost jumped up out of bed. "You go already, I'll be right back."

When Jared came back to their room from the bathroom under five minutes later, Dan had fallen asleep on the same spot he was left at, in his bed, with a small smile that looked happy and pleased.

Smiling by himself, Jared wondered how one person could make him so happy and complete. And considering that smile on his face even in his sleep, Dan was happy too? Jared hoped so, that was all he wanted.


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