Chapter 10

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Aldo opened the door to Niall and Jared's room and almost walked into their parents, who were just coming out.

Jared had been interrogated already but he didn't talk too much. But he did have now a very, very guilty expression on his face.

He tensed a bit when Aldo came to the room. He hated himself so much right now, for acting like that with Aldo's brother, but his temper got the worst of him when his confusion stressed him out.

He was at least as angry at himself as his brother, parents and Aldo were. He knew about Dan's condition, but still he let himself lose control and snap like that.

"We're just going, is Dan in your room and okay?" Trina asked.

"He's in our room, but I don't think he's too okay yet" Aldo said, glaring at Jared in his turn.

He sure noticed the guilty face, but he was just glad he felt guilty as he should, as he was.

Trina and Liron left them to it without saying anything else, and closed the door after them.

"Okay, what the heck was that about?" Aldo exploded, getting closer to the brothers. "You better have a damn good explanation for doing that to my brother, and I'm not leaving you until you tell it."

Jared chewed on the inside of his other cheek.

"I'm sorry" he said wretchedly, but slapped his face mentally realising what he just said.

He's sorry? Was that the best he could do? How poor.

But he really didn't know what else to say, he would never admit his real thoughts and feelings to anybody.

He didn't admit them to himself for that matter, either. He couldn't.

Both Aldo and Niall looked at him in disbelief.

"You're sorry?" Aldo asked. He was so stunned and angry, he barely contained himself.

He hadn't thought Jared this stupid. He took the final steps to him and slapped his face hard, really not just mentally, wanting to punch it so much harder.

It hurt but Jared didn't mind, he knew he deserved it.

Niall was proud of his best friend but remained looking.

"You'll be more than sorry if you ever again do anything like that with him" Aldo said. "What's wrong with you, you guys know how he is!"

"I don't know, I -"

"You don't know?" Aldo almost shouted again, interrupting Jared, without any patience with him. He would have shouted if Dan wasn't in the same house. "I saw it in his eyes he almost fainted of panic because of you, and you don't know! The glass was an accident, kind of, but your actions were unacceptable. He was getting better but now it's so bad, it can get worse!"

Jared felt miserable and contemptible, but rightfully so, not knowing what to say.

"I know, I'll -"

"I can't be in the same room with you anymore right now" Aldo said lifting his hands up, interrupting again not wanting to hear his poor excuses at the moment if he didn't want to explode completely.

And that couldn't happen. It was Dan again who made him not go too far.

He walked to the door and opened it.

"Wait, let me come with you, to say sorry" Jared followed him, quickly jumping up from the bed. "I'll be at the door, not coming too close. Please."

Aldo really didn't want him to come any closer to his brother, but Dan deserved an apology in person. If Jared would really be man enough to do that, he doubted in his mind angrily.

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