Chapter 53

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"I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

Dan had been staring at the young man so close in front of him, still older than himself perhaps in early twenties, and with a deep, rather attractive voice that snapped his gaze. His physical appearance was taller than Dan, nothing super special but rather equally attractive, handsome like the voice.

Hey come on, what are you thinking? You're not doing this to Jared, this is already cheating...

Oh but, this was what I came here for, right? Considering that, I'm doing rather well. Oh gosh, what am I doing...? Why am I able to do this? And since when have I thought like this aside from Jared?

Remembering he had been asked, Dan's face flushed and he nodded, not quite yet confident to get words out of his mouth.

"Good" the stranger smiled and Dan blinked. "I was just about to pass you but you turned around suddenly. My name's Chad, by the way" he said and reached out his hand.

Dan swallowed looking at the hand and did the same, his hand moving almost on its own. "Dan."


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The third kiss, Chad having captured Dan's mouth again, didn't last long however, as suddenly Chad was strongly pulled away and punched in the face.

Amidst gasps and whistles around, Dan was still leaning against the table, looking and feeling disoriented.

"Next time, check carefully your prey's age and very clearly the relationship status" Jared pointed out warningly, glaring at the baffled Chad who spat blood.

Then Jared turned to his drunk boyfriend, with sadness at the sight and knowing he was the cause almost paralysing him. But Dan was more important, he had to take care of him first.

Muttering the simplest apology for now, Jared put Dan's arm around his shoulder and supported him while walking them out of the bar.

"Who are you?" Dan slurred, not looking up yet. "It was just getting good, I was hoping -" he then smelled the familiar, strong but delightful scent of his boyfriend and looked up to see Jared's face. "Oh! It's you" he giggled.

"Uh huh, who it should be" Jared remarked. "I'm sorry, sweetums, this is my fault, you being drunk -"

"Drunk? Who's drunk? Well, maybe it's me...but just a little, you know. And it kinda is, but you didn't make me come here so it's my fault too" Dan spoke and stopped as he was lifted into Jared's arms. "Whoa there stud, what are you doing? Where are we going?"

"I'm carrying you these stairs up to our room, it'd take us forever otherwise" Jared said, having considered the lift this time but not wanting to take any risks. He wasn't sure if he was allowed to be amused of Dan's behaviour and talkativeness.


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