Chapter 48

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When he came to the decision he didn't need the bathroom after all and headed to the stairs, the bathroom door opened and Jared came out with a towel around his waist.

"Dan? Are you okay?" Jared asked concerned, Dan looked rather scared and red turning around slowly towards him.

"Aren't you supposed to be already down there in your sister's party?" Dan asked back, his embarrassment starting to burst now in form of speaking again as he had to face Jared in this state.

"I don't need to be just yet" Jared smiled. "I'm coming, but I couldn't come to my sister's party all sweaty after practice, could I? What's wrong?"

"You're talking and standing there all okay, as if nothing just happened" Dan said stupefied, trying to keep his breath and legs steady.

"What just happened?" Jared queried, now quickly noticing the panic in his voice and expression, and then his red face and seeing him just a moment ago clicked together. "You mean when you saw -"

"Yes! Is it your new habit going around the house all...naked like that?"

"I'm not going around the house, sweetums, I was in the bathroom" Jared chuckled.

"What about right now, huh?"

"I'm just going to our room to dress up decent, it's no big deal, sweet-"

"Don't call me that, thank you. Oh, but of course my bad, it's no big deal as you're used to gir...people seeing you like that and you're so full of yourself that -"

"Dan" Jared cut him off sharply, irritated from his words and concerned about him. "Please, Dan, breathe and calm down" he continued, much more softly.

"Excuse me" Dan whispered after taking a deep, uneven breath and really needing to get away from Jared for a moment, turned around. Before disappearing down the stairs, he turned to say "Please come down soon".

Jared looked until he was gone and then sighed, battling in his mind. He had been given a chance, a way to get back together with Dan but it was too crazy and absurd, just out of the question. How could he even consider it?


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"Fuck this" Jared almost growled and slammed his glass of this time nonalcoholic drink on the side table he was leaning at.

It felt like life was torturing him by his own unknowing sister. His own heart was thumping painfully and by the almost unconsciously pained look on Dan's face, he was the same. He decided he was going to get his sweetums back before today is over. He had to do it.

"Eh? Where are you going?" Niall asked confused, but Jared didn't hear anymore as he was on his way through the crowd to pick up his jacket and shoes.

Dan's gaze snapped broke as Jared disappeared among the people towards the stairs, away, and he looked down in embarrassment and tried to calm down his bubbling emotions and breath caught in his throat.

"Dan? What was that, are you okay?" Ze asked, handing a drink to him.

"Thanks" Dan took the glass, "a-and I don't know, but I'm okay" he gave a small, assuring smile and took a gulp of the drink to get rid of his dry throat. Then they both saw Jared go out from the front door, with one last look at Dan, ignoring everyone else.

"Where did he go, the party is still going?" Ze queried and took a sip of her drink, amazed at how Jared would leave a party so early.

"Who knows" Dan muttered. His roommate was so confusing, making him confused. "Let's go b-back, please."

He certainly didn't care, but where did Jared go in such a hurry like that? 


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