Chapter 29

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He could only try to expect it was something good, he needed that to keep hoping and the will to stay alive.

Realising staying alone at the moment wasn't too good and it wasn't for any use anymore, he slowly opened the car door to step out to the cold, fresh air.

Almost immediately he noticed Jared who had been waiting for him close by, not really leaving him alone. He looked further and also the rest of the Meguyer's were standing there waiting.

They were all wearing fancy, smart suits, properly to the occasion. Dan wasn't feeling himself or good at all in his suit, not used to fancy clothes, but he was doing it for his family.

They deserved his best.

He was dreading to go inside the church, knowing it was nearly full of people.

But again, he had to do this to his family. And he knew he was doing much better, when he even thought about going inside.

Jared had promised if needed to be with him all the time and take him outdoors if it became too much, when he had asked and Dan agreed.

When Dan had given him a shock but a good one by hugging him few days ago, he knew he had to be still even if he wanted to hug back.

But it had felt good to share the story and Dan getting used to him and trusting him was better and more comforting.

Telling Dan about Elian had made him vulnerable and exposed, but he knew he really didn't need to hide that side from him. Not that it would happen too often, anyway.

He had apologised, thinking Dan had enough problems without him, but he got him convinced it was okay.

Dan had felt so good and proud of himself, noticing he was hugging someone and not freaking out. Whatever it was, there was something special in Jared.

He had pulled away when it was still a positive thing before feeling too awkward, and then Jared wanted to throw the box away for good, finally. He needed to let go, and it was easier with Dan as moral support.

He was looking at Dan who was staring at the church building and fidgeting, when his eyes caught a familiar sight making him smile as a greeting.

"Dan, look who's here" he said cheerfully, making Dan break his gaze and carefully look to the left.

There went a jolt of excitement through him noticing who it was, both inside and outside, before he was almost knocked over by two arms thrown around him.

If he hadn't noticed just before getting attacked who it was, he would have panicked bad.

But the attacker assured he had recognised him and he answered to the embrace as well as he could.

It was Aldo.


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