Chapter 38

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"Not really. I haven't t-thought about things like that" Dan said quietly. He wasn't exactly lying, it was the truth except the part which he couldn't tell.

"You're a seventeen years old guy and haven't even thought about things like this? Oh my god with you. Um, one thing. We're best friends and trust each other, right?" Ze queried with an odd and hushed voice, and he nodded confused. "Same. Well, I just want to ask you, do you like...girls, or boys?"

Dan blinked and then his eyes widened as he blushed.

"G-girls, of course. Why?"

"Oh. Staying between us, I just had a slight guess you might be gay, you know, looking like one. My apologies."

"How do you look like gay?" Dan asked, her not being the first one thinking of him like that, even before he knew anything himself.

"Not looked like, but just seemed like...I don't know. I'm not homophobic and I think actually it's quite cute, I was hoping you were" Ze admitted with a giggle. "Are you against it then?" Dan shook his head. "Good, I don't understand those who are, seriously. But that aside, please, you need to start looking for your girl then. I know it's been difficult lately, but you're doing so well even in front of my eyes so I don't think an extra and closer person would do bad for you. I can help you finding someone, even just for this Friday Valentines."

"Y-you don't need to, Ze, really" Dan said quickly alarmed.

"It's no bother, I'd love to help you and I'm not allowing you to be alone on that special day" Ze said as they entered their already open class room.

Dan followed her, dumbfound and nervous. What could he say or do to avoid her matchmaking? What has he got himself into this time?


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But then, River hurried to their isle and told his friends someone was coming.

"Fuck" Wilder cursed under his breath, angry at this getting interrupted. "Well, I'm afraid this party's over. Sorry, but we really need to go now. See you later, mate. And...just remember, if you tell anybody about us, you can be sure next time's more fun and we won't get interrupted."

* * * * *

"I have a bad feeling" Ze muttered, chewing on the pen.

"About what?" Jared asked, taking the pen from her and writing down what their two other group members told to write about their experiment.

"Dan. Should I go check on him, this is -"

"Ze, I'm sure he's fine. He's in the library just okay, the lesson is soon over anyway."

"Yeah, he's just fine" Ze said and smiled to assure herself.

Not much later, there was a knock on the chemistry class room door and the teacher went to open.

When both Jared and Ze heard the name Dan mentioned, only Ze was excused and on her way following one of Niall's close friends, Brinley, who had gone to get a book from the library and found him.

"I'm not needed there, so he's in the library and in one of the middle isles" Brinley informed still with a shocked expression on her face. "I'm afraid someone's done something to him."

"Thank you" Ze smiled tensely at her. "Is he, hurt?"

"There was some blood but I don't know anything else. He was unconscious."

"Could you please go and ask the nurse to come check up on him?"

Brinley nodded and then they each hurried to the school nurse's room and the library.


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