February 3rd, 2017

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Walking in the cafeteria while holding my tray, I looked around my surroundings looking at most of the guys and girls whispering negative things about me. Why? Because, to me it felt as if they were jealous of me. Jealous of how smart I am, or how well I play in field hockey, but no matter how hard I try to fit into the crowd, the only crowd that I could fit into was the bullied one. I turned my head to the left to see one of the most handsome guys named Tyler Ryan who literally made me want to fall to my knees, but he was a jerk just like the other people in Thomas Jefferson High School.

Not paying attention, I felt someone's leg trip me and caused me to fall faced forward into my plate of spaghetti. Everyone, I mean everyone in the cafeteria, even the bullied crowd started laughing at me. I looked up and felt spaghetti sauce on my face. Looking around, I saw everyone laughing and pointing towards me. Me. I stood up quick and bolted out of the cafeteria.

Waking up, my alarm clocked scared the hell out of me. I was sweating all over my body. I knew what today was, the outcome of what happened yesterday would be the talk for today. Quickly getting out of the bed, I went towards my bathroom and cut the shower on. Feeling the water against my body made everything seem better. It made some of the pain go away. I knew I should have told my parents what was going on, but all they would say was to stand up for myself. But how? If I even talk back to the kids, they would either push me around or make my day even more shittier. All I could do, was just walk away and pray that I could just get through all the obstacles until college. But would it even end once I get into college?

Knock, knock, knock. "Tate, honey. When you get out of the shower, your father and I would like to speak with you at breakfast." I could tell they wanted to talk about me.

"Yeah, sure mom. I'll be down there when I'm done." I rolled my eyes. I could hear my mom walking out of my room.

Fifteen minutes later, I got out of the shower, blow dried my hair and braid it into two corn rolls. In my closet, I put on a blue flower dress with a white cardigan and some white flats. In the mirror, I took a deep breath and hoped that today wouldn't be like yesterday.

"Good morning Tate, you're looking lovely today." Mom said as she greeted me with a warm hug.

"Thank you." I tried to smile, but I really wasn't up for this conversation.

As I sat in my seat, I took my glasses off and began eating the breakfast that mom had cooked. It was eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. Mmm, my favorite.

"Taytum, you're mother and I have become very worried about you." Dad looked at my wrist as he saw the cuts that I've made on my arms. I quickly pulled down my sleeve.

"What is that?" My mom grabbed my wrist and pulled my sleeve up. "Have you been doing this to yourself?"

Tears started to well up in my eyes. I really didn't want to be starting this today. I didn't have the energy.

"Why Taytum? Please tell me what the hell is going on in that school? You won't tell us anything and now your physically hurting yourself. What's next Taytum, Suicide? You want to end up just like Julie?"

Anger built up inside of me. I could not believe that she would dare speak about Julie like that. I pulled my arm away from my mom and stood up, screaming.

"Well its better doing that than being in this fucking world. You don't know what goes on in my life because you were popular in school mom. You had what you wanted. I can't even get in line to get lunch without being called a bitch or vile names that aren't me. I'm tired of you and dad acting as if you both can help me. You can't. You will never understand what goes on inside of me or in my life. So stop trying to act as if you care." I grabbed my glasses, my bag, and started heading out the door.

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