April 13th, 2017

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-Just one kiss can turn into something else-

I looked up at Max as he said that. What other surprise did he have in store for me? Max took my hand and led me to a small cave. There he gave me a rock and he took one himself. I was a little nervous, but I trusted Max. It's been a long time since I've trusted someone. Max began to carve his initials on the side of the small cave. Then he beckoned me to do the same. As we finished we took a step back and looked at our initials. MT and TJ.

"This is our secluded beach. And how we'll know is by looking at our initials on this cave." Max took a deep breath. "I Love You, Taytum. I really do. Standing here with you, makes me happy, makes my heart on fire. I can't not be here without you. I want you to realize that I'm here for you and that nothing will stand between us."

(Finally. Max does have balls after all. Waiting for him to say that.) "I love you too Max. Ever since you stood up for me, I knew that there was still hope. I didn't give up on myself because of you Max. I'm glad that I'm standing here with you, I'm glad that we did this. Promise me that even through our troubles, we still got each other's backs."

"I promise." Hearing Max say that, made me kiss him instantly. I realized that night that I loved him very much. As our lips separated, a breeze came in. I started to get the chills. Max saw me and he took his jacket and gave it to me.

Instead of driving back home, I drove to Max's house. This would be the night that we both would never forget.

As I stepped inside of Max's house, we began kissing one another hard and I could feel Max's hand begin to go up under my dress. I wanted Max and I wanted him now. He then picked me up by my legs and carried me to his bedroom. I was a virgin and I knew that I would be losing it to him, but it was worth it, because he showed me today that he really does love me. As he laid me down on his bed, he broke the kiss and asked me this...

"Are you sure your wanting to do this?" He looked me deep in my eyes.

"I'm very sure, Max." I began kissing him again, but then...

"I'm a virgin as well, Tate."

"Well that's good. We're both giving it to someone we really care about."

Max smiled as he took his shirt off and oh my god. His chest was amazing. He began smirking as he saw me staring. Max unzipped my dress and began kissing my neck and shoulders. He unlaced my bra and he began admiring my body. I unbuckled his pants and he laid me back down on the bed and then as we began, it hurt for a little while, but then I was loving it more and more. I couldn't stop moaning, it felt really amazing. (Best birthday present ever.) Max started kissing my breast as he began to go a little bit faster. Man, I didn't want him to stop. This was like heaven for both of us.

"Mmm Max." I was panting his name.

"Oh god, Tate." Hearing him moan, made me want to take control.

I flipped Max over and now I was on top of him. I started rocking back and forth as his hands guided my hips. If felt good being here with him. Max leaned up to me, was kissing my neck and holding me close to him.

After a little while, Max moaned out louder and I felt something warm come inside of me. He leaned over top of me and said those three beautiful words that made me melt inside. "I love you."

"I love you too."

-April 14th, 2017-

I woke up to see myself laying on Max's bare chest. I began remembering about last night. That was really amazing. I began tracing my fingers down his forceps. He eventually woke up and looked up at me.

"Man you look beautiful." Max kissed my forehead.

"I know." I got up to go use the bathroom.

"Aww come one, Tate. You leaving me hanging?"

"You'll see more of me." I gave him a mischievous smile.

"Yeah I will." He began to get up and chase me.

"Max stop it. You had all of me last night. Let me use the bathroom."

"Maybe I want even more of you." Max started kissing my neck and he was making his way down to my legs.

"Nope." I pushed Max off the bed and he began glaring at me. "I told you I had to use the bathroom.

"Uh huh. I'll get you afterwards."

"Well unfortunately we can't because my mom is wondering where I am. So you have to get ready too so I can take you back to get your car."

"Didn't you tell her that you were spending the night with me?" Max smirked.

"Yeah, but I'm guessing she wants me home so you know how that goes."

I went in the bathroom to take a shower. I let the bed sheet that was covering me fall down off my body as I stepped inside. The warm water quickly caressed all over me as I begin to think about how different I feel. I lost my virginity to Max and I was really happy that I did. The door opened outside of the shower, it was Max. He had a grin on his face as if he hasn't seen me from last night. He got in the shower with me and began washing me up. I was a little amazed. It was strange, but romantic. I then washed off his back and his chest. His chest was hard and I couldn't help, but stare.

"You enjoying the view?"

"Very much." And as I said that, Max picked me up by my legs again and pressed me into the wall of the shower. My arms soon wrapped around his neck and again we were repeating the steps that we did last night except we were in the shower. (HELL YEAH.)

Driving back home, I was listening to some Ellie Goulding. Max was covering up his ears annoyed by the fact that I had the music bursting his ear drums. All I did was laugh every time I went to hit a high note and Max's eyes went wide.

Pulling into the driveway, I got out and went walking towards the porch. When I turned my head, I saw Max about to get into his car.

"What you doing, Max? You don't want to at least say hi to my mom?" I was a bit puzzled.

"Tate, can you say hi to your mom for me? I just got a text from Aaron, he wanted to talk about something and its kinda an emergency. I'm sorry babe, but you know I will make it up to you." Max flashed me a smile and began getting into his car.

I waved goodbye and watched him drive off. Questions were still floating around my head, but I just shrugged it off and went inside to see my mom.

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