May 7th, 2017

9 0 0

-If only you knew-

"Knock, knock, knock!" I woke up to hear someone banging on my door. My hand was on my head, what time was it? I got up and opened the door. There standing in front of me was a woman. Not Laura, but a different woman. Her presence seemed terrible and mean like she didn't give a damn about any of these patients in the center. My head was pounding terribly that I didn't even acknowledge her, I just opened the door and sat on the couch.

"Hello to you too." The woman groan. "I suppose Laura told you about me. I'm Melanie Foyer and I'll be your keeper. Would you at least pretend to care?"

I was annoyed by her presence already. "Look, my head is fucking killing me at the moment. Give me a break and let me at least try to clear my head."

"Whatever, but listen I don't need your sass, ass. So you can either listen to what I'm about to tell you, or be a brat." She folded her arms.

"Fine, now what the hell do you want?"

"Tomorrow morning, you are to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, then come back here, and later on I should be coming to get you for your first appointment with Dr. Rivers."

"Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes.

"You are stubborn as hell. I wonder how someone could convince you to come down a ledge with you being like that."

I snapped and I didn't care that my head was fucking hurting. "Who the hell are you to talk to me like that. I will report your ass. You have no idea to be meddling in what happened in my life so mind your own damn business and get out of my room, NOW!"

Melanie shook her head and went out my room. Then she slammed my door on purpose. She is sooo lucky that my head is pounding. Though seriously, I haven't been feeling well at all today. I wonder what's up.

I went over to my bed and opened my suit case. Then began putting my clothes and shoes away in the drawers and wardrobe. I changed into my pajamas and was about to go to bed, but then I remembered that I needed to call Max and tell him that I was alright. I dialed his number and waited for him to answer.

Max: Hey Tate, are you there?

Tate: Yeah.

Max: Baby, you ok?

Tate: No, my head is pounding so badly.

Max: Do they have like Tylenol or Ibuprofen?

Tate: I rather suffer through this, I don't feel like having to call my bitch ass keeper.

Max: What happened?

Tate: Nothing. I don't really want to talk about it. I miss you very much. I miss mom very much.

Max: I know Tate, I know. Just don't think about it. Sooner or later, you'll be back in my arms.

Tate: Yeah. Anyway I meant this very nice lady. Her name is Laura Rivers.

Max: See that's good.

Tate: It is. How is mom doing?

Max: She's been crying for a while, but she eventually cried herself to sleep.

Tate: Well just look after her for me, Max.

Max: I will. Are you going to bed with the blanket I gave you?

Tate: Of course I am. I love it really much. It's like you're here with me in bed.

Max: You miss me next to you. Holding you, kissing you, and even...

Tate: ...Max!

Max: Sorry babe, just trying to lighten you up.

Tate: Well I'm going to bed. Imma try to sleep this headache off.

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