The Poem of Tate

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-Don't Give Up-

Inspired by Max Tiller

The pain was overwhelming

I couldnt focus

My mind was loaded with fear

Eyes filled with tears

Crowds pointing and laughed at me

Was I the roach stepped on?

Standing there watching me bleed

I needed a new lead

But there was no one

No hand to grab on

No shoulder to lean on

My back against the wall

Darkness drawing closer

It was getting stronger

Thats when I gave up

Thats when I had enough

My foot touched the edge of the ledge

My confidence grew as I looked below me

This would be the moment that I would be free

People looked up at me

Isnt this what they wanted?

For me to vanish off the face of the earth

My whole existence was a curse

Thinking about the memories

The torture

The hunger

The vile words they would spit at me

How teachers and principals would allow that to happen to me

Tears poured down my face

I was ready to be erased

One more step, I will be free

There was a guy

The guy that was to me, a lie

It hurt

His curse

What he had over me

Its what set me free

He wouldn't let me leave

That's what kept me beat

Anger crashed over me

I couldnt breathe

I needed him to leave

He took my hand

Let me stand

Dont give up

Dont throw your life away

His words defrayed the pain

Even though it was too much to take

Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse

Suicide eliminates the possibility of it ever getting better

One step down the ledge

Dont give up

You still have us

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