April 13th, 2017

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-Happy Birthday Tate-

As we arrived at Thomas Jefferson High School, Max got out the car to help me out. I was holding the beautiful red roses in my hand. Max was carrying both my gym and book bag for me. As I stepped into the school, there were like ten people that were just amazed at what I was wearing. (Got ya biatches.) Logan, Butch, Lia, Lily, and Justine ran up to me. They were hugging me and wishing me a happy birthday. I told them all thank you, but they still wanted to take pictures. Please don't be like Cass and mom. After the fiasco, Max walked me down to Mrs. Holloman's room so I could leave my roses with her. She was the only teacher that I could trust at this damn school. She too wished me a happy birthday and complemented on my outfit.

Before the bell was to ring, Max and I took quite a few pictures. (BTW we looked amae-mae.) Max hugged me and gave me a kiss before I had left.

"At lunch, I want you to meet me at the music room." I nodded my head as he gave me another quick kiss and left. I stepped into Mr. Anderson's class as he greeted me with a warm smile and you know the same thing. (Happy Birthday, Tate.) I sat down in my seat and took out my project books on saving energy when Veronica came in class. She was wearing a classy shirt with a black skirt and some pink heels. Veronica stopped right at my desk and looked at me.

"Veronica, I advise you to move on or else I'll embarrass your ass soo hard." I looked at her like I was a beast. Veronica rolled her eyes and moved on to her seat.

During class, I managed to finish my project. I turned it into Mr. Anderson. He complemented on how well I did on saving energy and that the solar panels are good to have to keep energy. I walked back to my seat, pulled out my ear buds and listened to music. While sitting there, I stared at my notepad of a drawing. It was two people holding hands under the sunset. (Romantic right?) On the finishing touches I put two words on the sun saying, "Something New."

I was thinking about how things were going great so far. Between the dress, the heels and the hair, this day seemed so perfect. I'd gotten a text message from Macy. She had told me happy birthday. I smiled to myself and went back to my notepad.

The bell rung finally and I hopped up to leave. Again Mr. Anderson told me happy birthday and I went on to the music room like Max told me. School was almost over since it was a half-day. (Birthday and a half-day, Hell yes!) As I stopped at the music room door, I heard a violin playing. Slowly and cautiously, I opened the doors and saw Max standing in a circle of lighten up candles. My mouth dropped because he planned this all for me. Little ol me.

Max reached his hand out for me to come over. I walked towards him and our hands touched. Max saw me blush and bowed down and said, "May I have this dance?" Laughing to myself, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he place his hands on my waist. I made the mistake of looking until his handsome blue eyes. It was like we were the only two people on this earth. I loved being here with Max. He made me feel safe and secure like no one was going to hurt his girl.

"Have I told you that you look very beautiful, Tate. I mean really. This is a new you. I've never seen such a confident, sexy, and sophisticated girl like you before. Sometimes I wonder, did God make such a stubborn and lovely girl like you just for me? Honestly, I'm happy, no I'm really glad and proud of myself for moving back down here because if I didn't, I wouldn't have meant anyone like you." Max passionately kissed me. I rest my head on his shoulder as we continued to dance to the piano and violin music. (Max, I should be asking you...how did I deserve a guy like you?)

After the small dance that we had together, I helped Max blow out all the candles and as we finished, he told me to meet him at the double doors. I nodded my head and gave him a quick peck as I left.

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