May 2nd, 2017

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-The Bet-

I jumped and saw Max standing behind me. What was he doing, I thought he was getting dressed. I looked at Tyler and he looked like he wanted to punch Max in the face. I didn't mean to keep this away from Tyler, but I also wasn't playing with him like a game. I asked Max if he could give Tyler and me some time to talk. Even though it pained him to see me talking to Tyler, he finally agreed. I went outside to talk to Tyler, but his whole attitude and tone changed drastically.

"I don't understand these types of things when it comes to you. Do you like getting hurt? Do you like running back to the people that have hurt you?" I couldn't believe he said that. He was the main one that hurt me.

I managed to keep my composure and kept a calm tone. "Tyler, I understand you're frustrated, but you can't take this out on me. You don't even know what happened afterwards."

"Then what happened, Taytum?" He forcefully sat himself on the bench.

"He was black mailed by his brother causing him to not speak to me or a video would ruin our relationship."

"Is that all?" Tyler seemed like he wasn't believing it. "What about our date night? What about you catching him out to dinner with your cousin?"

"They weren't going out as a couple."

"How the FUCK do you know that?" He stood up and began pacing back and forth.

"Tyler you need to calm down."

"I LOVE YOU. Taytum, I fucking love you. Ever since we been hanging out, I realized that you're not like every other girl. The reason why I'm upset, because it pains me to see you with that douche that broke your heart."

"You love me? So is being bullied for two fucking years is what you call love?" Tears started to pour down my face. "I'm not going to lie, Tyler, but I had a crush on you and all you've done was kick me to the curb and call me names. And you have the audacity to say you love me?"

"Taytum, I'm sorry. I don't know what was wrong with me, but ever since that night when Veronica did what she did to you, I felt really bad." He put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Honestly Tyler, I don't know what to think. I need time."

"Ok, I'll give you time, only because you're worth it." Tyler got in his car and drove off.

Man, what the hell just happened? Tyler is in love with me, but I don't have no feelings for him. At least I know I don't. Max has always been there, but then Tyler was my long-loved crush even if he treated me like shit. I needed to think, but not now. I had to get going for school. Walking back inside my house, I closed the door behind me and went upstairs to grab my stuff.

"Going somewhere, hot stuff." I smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yes and that place is school. So are you ready?"

"Baby, I been ready."

During the car ride, it was quite silent. I didn't really have much to say. I wasn't ignoring Max, I just needed time to get over what happened. And I'm so glad that Max wasn't ease dropping because if he had heard what Tyler had said to me, he would probably jump out the window and beat the crap out of him. Max gave me a squeeze on my thigh and I turned my head and looked at him.

"Keep your eyes on the road, woman." I started laughing at him. "Anyway, are you ok. You've been quiet since we got in the car."

"Yeah I'm fine." I hate lying to him, but I honestly didn't want to talk about it right now.

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