April 16th, 2017

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-Picking up the pieces of my broken heart-

(Max's point of view)

I've been in bed all day crying and trying to remember the good times that Tate and I had. It was hard not seeing her beautiful face again, but I got to remember I'm the one that hurt her. I never meant to, but I just needed time before Aaron ran his damn mouth. Today was Monday, the day back to school. I really didn't want to get up, but my parents were home and they would make me get ready for school.

"I got in the shower and while looking around the walls, I started having flashbacks of when Tate and I were having sex in here. I tried to get that out of my mind because it was only thing dragging me down. After the shower, I got dress, grabbed breakfast, and got in my car. More flashbacks appeared when Tate would start blushing very hard every time my hand rested on her thighs. "Keep moving forward," I reminded myself.

As I got inside of the school building, I was hoping to see Tate driving her brand new car, but instead her field hockey team and everyone she associated with said she wasn't here. What did I expect, she wasn't going to come to school today after figuring out the jerk I was and that the person she lost her virginity to wasn't really true. When I walked to my locker, Veronica came up to me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Nice job, breaking up with that whore." Then she walked off.

I saw Tyler coming up to me. He did not look happy.

"How could you do that to Taytum, you dick? What has she ever done to you, huh?" Tyler was bawling his fist.

I didn't want to start a fight so I walked off. "I'm not done talking to you, Max. Tell me, why did you have to hurt Tate like that? What you're man enough to tell her that you done with her, but you're a pussy when I want to have a man to man conversation."

I felt my fist clenching together. Why does Tyler even care? Last time I checked, he was the main one treating Tate like shit. "How about you mind you own damn business. You don't know what happened, so stay out of it." I continued to walk off again.

"Oh, it is my business when it comes to my friend."

"Friend? Is that what you call it? Cause I recall you threatening Taytum, you bullying Taytum, and you posting viral shit about her. So you're no fucking friend to her. Like I said. Mind your own god damn business."

I finally walked away and went to my first period class. Man this was going to be a tough day.

(Tate's point of view)

As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I honestly looked fucked up. Crying over someone that hurt me like that wasn't a surprise. Why did I have to believe in such beautiful and passionate words that he told me. I guess I was desperate for someone to want me, but then again no one wants me in this fucking world. I feel stupid for ever giving him me.

I haven't spoken to Cass or mom. They were both worried about me, but all I've done to them was push them away. I needed some space to myself. This was a lot for me to take in. That's why I didn't show up for school today. What made things worse is that he didn't even text me or call me. What am I kidding, I must've been dreaming way too hard. I know what you're saying, "Stop thinking about him, he broke your heart." But I can't stop thinking about him. What we had was real at least to me it was. Why did his demeanor and his mind change? Why did his heart change?

I was about to go for a drive since mom and Cass were out getting some groceries for dinner. As I opened the front door, Tyler was standing in front of it.

"Wow, Taytum. You look like hell." He looked at me with a disgusted look.

"Thank you, I feel like hell."

"I was about to give you one more birthday present, but anyway, are you ok?" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I shrugged his hand off and began crying. I fell to the floor and Tyler quickly knelt down beside me. "What the hell happened, Taytum?"

"Max broke up with me." I tried to hold it in. Tyler was the only one I could really talk to. But how long would it take for Tyler to turn on me like the others?

"Why did he break up with you?" Tyler helped me back up and walked me over to the living room.

"He didn't say. Max just said that he couldn't do it anymore. And it hurts because I had sex with him and now it basically feels like he used me." I could see Tyler thinking really hard.

Out of no where, Tyler hugs me tightly and all I could do was just cry on his shoulders. Tyler smelled really good, but I didn't know how I felt towards him. Was he really different from the others? After a while, I let go of Tyler and said thank you. He nodded his head and he asked me if I needed anything? To be honest, all I needed was some fresh air. I'm tired of being cooped up in my room. Tyler asked me if it was ok for him to come with me. I declined his offer and told him that I needed time to myself, that this just happened yesterday and I'm trying to get over it. Tyler said ok, gave me another hug and left to go to school.

I parked my car at the secluded beach that used to be Max's and my spot. I got out the car and began walking in the sand. Letting the wind blow against my cheeks, I took deep breaths and tried to forget all the good things he's done for me. They were all bogus. When I looked up above me, I saw the small cave that we went to for my birthday. There, the initials, MT&TJ was still there. Signing, I picked up a rock and began crossing my initials. Then above my initials I put, "Never Forget."

Turning back around, I didn't look back. I kept on moving forward. If he wanted to not be in my life well so be it. I wasn't going to let him have that power over me. He lost the best gift that he could ever have.

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