May 6th, 2017

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-Time to Say Goodbye-

(Tate's point of view)

Max and I were in my bedroom helping me pack for Sunday. Today would be the last day that I was home and I really wanted to spend some time with my mom and Max. I was still really shocked that Max gave me a beautiful blanket with our picture on there. As I folded my jeans and my shirt to put in my suitcase, Max pulls out some black lace under wears and holds them up.

"Babe, how come you never wore these when we were making out?" He looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Well does it really matter what I wear when we're making out?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Well, I didn't say you had to wear these. Personally, I'd want you to not wear anything at all." Max licked his lips.

"Stop flirting with me, I have to get packed so we can get ready and go."

"Isn't that the other way around?" He began laughing. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry, lets continue."

Ten minutes later, we finished packing up my stuff and I went to freshen up. I fixed my hair up into a twisted rope updo. Then I went out the bathroom. As I stepped out, I saw Max topless. I mean, I knew that I've seen him topless before, but I never got a good look at his rock hard chest. It was making my knees weak.

"Babe, I know I'm handsome, but do you seriously have to gawk at me like that, not that I'm complaining." He turned his body towards me.

"I'm not gawking at you, I was admiring my blanket."

"How, if I'm standing right in front of it?"

"Shut up." Max began laughing at me.

"By the way, I'm loving your hair." Max threw a shirt on.


(Max's point of view)

Tate, Mrs. Jase, and myself went out to Olive Garden for dinner. Today was the last day that she would be here and I planned on spending every minute with her. I ordered a steak with mash potatoes and string beans. Tate ordered shrimp alfredo and her mom did spaghetti. It was fun. We laughed, talked and enjoyed each others company. Tate was looking stunning as ever and Mrs. Jase was rolling her eyes as ever. Me, I was honestly starring at Tate's boobs. I know you think that I'm crazy and weird, but did they seriously happen to get bigger or am I just being blind? Seriously though, they look like they're getting bigger.

A teen waitress gave us our drinks, bread and salad. She was kinda eye balling me the whole entire time, not that I'm complaining. (Again.) It was like every time Mrs. Jase and Tate said thank you to, (Oh her name is Bella,) Bella, she would say mmm hmm, but when I said thank you, she would say, "You're very welcome sir." Was she flirting with me? I'd turn my head and see Tate scowling at the waitress to the point I thought she was going to rip her fucking head off her shoulders, but Tate kept her cool.

Meanwhile, we finally got our food and we began to eat. The food was delicious and I kinda wanted at least 10 more of these, but I don't want to run up the bill. Usually I'm the person to dine and dash.

"Max." Tate whispered to me. I didn't realize that her mom got up to answer the phone. I need to stop day dreaming.

"Yeah, Tate."

"That waitress that serves us, don't you think you should say something to her?"

"Say what?"

"Babe, are you kidding me?" She shook her head. "She's fucking flirting with you."

"Is someone jealous?"

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