February 6th, 2017

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-Some things are just meant to be-

After the ride with Tyler, I had a lot to think about. In the car ride, all I could think about was, "Why was Tyler all of a sudden, talking to me, apologizing to me, and now offering me rides?" I had to stop myself from thinking to hard. I mean, is this what having a new life was like now? It was five o'clock when I arrived home. Cassidy was in the living room watching Stranger Things. Mom was making dinner and dad must've been working late. Walking upstairs, I opened my bedroom door and plopped down on my bed. I was soo glad that the week was over and tomorrow would be a good day.

Cassidy came upstairs after an hour and sat on my bed with me. I was hoping that she wouldn't annoy my ears about the Stranger Things bullshit. I'm a fan of the Walking Dead, man. But instead, Cassidy wanted to ask me about my plans for tomorrow night.

"So, I was hoping if you and I could go to this awesome restaurant called, "The Delicate Deluxe." So are you free?" Cassidy was smiling, hoping that I would say yes.

"Ooh, sorry Cass, but Max and I were already planning to go to the bowling alley tomorrow night." I could see her smile turn to a frown. "Maybe we can do something early in the day."

"I can't. I'm having a date with a guy that I met with yesterday." We both looked at each other for a while. "Hey, we could do breakfast."

"Yeah sure, but I get to pick." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Ha, ha, ha. Whatever, go ahead pick."

"I choice, I Hop ." Ooh, can't wait to taste those whip-creamed pancakes.

"Eww, I Hop. What the hell is wrong with you, Taytum?" Her face turned into a disgusted look.

"Well you did let me pick." I laughed at her.

Cassidy rolled her eyes and then told me to be ready by eight tomorrow. Then she left and I was all alone again.

Dinner soon came around and I was sitting at the table with mom and Cassidy. Dad still didn't return home, which was unusual. I could see mom worrying as if she felt in her gut that something was wrong. Mom tried calling dad, but he wasn't answering. I reassured mom and told her that maybe he was still working late and that his phone died. Mom nodded her head and we began to eat. The dinner was delicious, there was greens, meat loaf, mash potatoes, and macaroni. Looking over, I saw mom just picking at her food. (Seriously, where the hell are you dad?) Excusing myself, I went into the family room and tried calling him, but after the fourth ring, it went straight to voicemail. Then the house phone rung and I picked it up.

"Hello, is this the Jase Residence?" A man on the voice sounded strange.

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"May I ask who I am speaking to?" I was a little confused.

"I'm Taytum Jase."

"May I ask where Mrs. Jase is?"

"She's busy at the moment, so please speak."

"I'm sorry to call you late at this time, but your father, Westley Jase, has been in a terrible car accident. He is now in critical care at Virginia Hospital Center."

I was completely blacked out. Dad in car accident? That never happened to dad when he worked late, so why did it have to happen now?

"Miss...miss are you there?" I hung up the phone and fell to the ground. Dad in critical care? I heard someone calling my name and I looked up to see that it was mom and Cass.

"Honey, what's wrong? Who was that on the phone?" Mom and Cassidy looked at me like I was crazy or something.

I couldn't speak. What was I to say. Saying that to mom and the look on her face would be too painful. But I had no choice? Mom would want to know what's going on. "Dad, he's been in a car accident. And he's in critical care." Mom's eyes widened with fear. She ran in the hallway and got her car keys and grabbed her coat.

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