May 10th, 2017

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-If It Weren't For You-

I was walking in the hall talking with Quint. We were talking about what we were going to do once we got out of this place. Quint wanted to go back to playing his guitar and taking long strolls through the park while I wanted to tell Max about the baby and looked forward to getting some classes done. (I know, school.) We stopped at the bathrooms since Quint had to use it. I waited for him to be done. I was going to text Max when I remembered that I left my phone on the night stand next to my bed.

Then I heard a noise from behind me. I turned my head quick and looked around, but no one was there. Something was off and how I knew because my ears were getting really warm and the hair on my skin was standing up. I was about to yell out to Quint to come the hell on, when someone's hand grabbed me on my mouth and began pulling me away from the bathrooms. I had to think quick, what could I use to get this person off of me. I bit hard on the person's hand and tried to run, but the person caught my arm. I turned to see a man that I didn't know. He slapped me on my face as I fell hard to the ground. Quint where the hell are you!!?? My mind was a blur and I couldn't think. He hit me really hard.

The guy then picked me up and placed me on my shoulder. What the fuck is going on? Where is the staff, the people, anyone? I began struggling and banging him on his back, his head, but the guy was way too strong. Then panic started setting in, I was starting to break down in the inside. Tears landed on the guys back as I fought harder and harder to get off. Then I remembered that I had my dad's pocket knife that I would carry around me ever since he's passed. I took it out and stabbed the man hard in the side.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" The guy threw me down hard on the ground and my head hit the floor. My vision was blurry and then I began closing my eyes. Then I was out.

I woke up and felt soo cold. I looked down at my feet and I had no shoes on. Then my head started pounding terribly. I got up and looked around my surroundings. Where was I? I was in a dark room with only a small amount of light coming from a window that was high above the wall, so I couldn't reach it. There was a door and I tried opening it, but it wouldn't budge. I tried to fight the tears, I needed to be strong enough to find a way out of here.

Walking around the room, I began feeling on the walls to see if there was a passage. I began banging on the walls to see if there was a spot that was hollow enough for someone to hear me banging against it, but there was no luck. I was stuck down here. I couldn't fight the tears anymore. Who was this person that did this to me? (Calm down.) I kept telling myself over and over to try harder, don't give up, though I did. I sat down against the wall and began crying. Was I stuck down here forever?

(Max's point of view)

It was late at night and I thought about calling Tate to tell her goodnight. Mrs. Jase was fast asleep on the couch and I walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. I laid on her bed and pulled my phone out. I miss her being here next beside me. Her favorite pillow smelled just like her, this whole entire room smelled just like her. I dialed Tate's number and waited for her to answer. Ten seconds later, her phone went straight to voice mail. I signed. I was too late, maybe she's already sleeping. It is 12:42 a.m., but even then, Tate wasn't a deep sleeper. She was on high alert when she heard even the slightest noise. I tried calling her again, but then I gave up. I was going to bed, I'll try to contact her when I wake up.

(May 11th, 2017)

Mrs. Jase was making breakfast, while I was sitting on the couch, watching Stranger Things. Again, I picked up my phone and called Taytum. This time she picked up, but it wasn't Tate, it was Quinton.

"Why the hell are you on Tate's phone?" I heard Mrs. Jase walking behind me.

"Max, calm down." He sounded worried.

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