May 8th, 2017

14 0 0

-What am I going to Do?-

I stood there in shock. I could not believe that I was pregnant. I'm only fucking 17. I don't know how to take care of a baby. I tried calming myself down, but staring at the test made things worse. I began crying and thinking, "What is Max going to say about this?" I'm not even sure that he is ready to be a father. And what about my mom, she's going to seriously be pissed at me. I can't keep this baby. How am I going to tell my mom and Max? Just think of all the problems that it'll cost me.

"Tay, you ok in there?" Quint knocked on the door.

I couldn't speak because words just couldn't form. I just simply opened the door and he looked at me bewildered. I gave Quint the test and just seeing his face lose color made me fall to the ground.

"Hey, hey, hey. Everything is going to be ok." Quint held me.

"No it's not, Quint. What the hell am I going to do now? I don't even know if I can do this. I don't even know if Max is going to approve of this." I cried on his shoulder.

"Who's Max?"

"He's my boyfriend. Maybe I should just not tell him and find a way to get rid of this."

Quint quit holding me. "What!? No, you can't do that. You can't make rational decisions without telling the father. And think, maybe he does want this."

"You're right. I just need time to think about this. Could you promise not to tell the rest of the group?" I looked into his green eyes.

"Yeah sure. It's not my place to tell."

"Thank you."

The warm water hit my soft skin as I sat in the bath. I kept telling myself that everything was going to be alright. I decided that I would tell my mom and Max when I got back home, that'll give me some time to think about this. In the mean time, I thought about telling Red or Laura. I trusted both of them and they gave good advice. I wonder how Quint is taking this? The way his face looked when he saw the pregnancy test. Though out of the past two days, we've formed a great bond towards one another.

After the shower, I looked in the mirror. This girl with long dark brown hair touching her shoulders and bags under her eyes. I looked like hell, but I had to stay strong. Who knows, maybe deep down I'm ready to become a mom. Today I wore some light blue shorts with a black tank and a black plaid shirt with some black converses. I placed my hair up in a bun and wore my glasses. I didn't feel like putting contacts in. Stepping out of the bathroom, Quint was sitting on the couch watching TV. He looked up as he saw me.

"Feeling much better?"

"Yeah, a little bit." I smiled.

I walked over and sat on the couch next to Quint. Thirty minutes, we had to wait before going to the cafeteria. I didn't feel like eating, but I didn't want the group to ask me a bunch of questions about what was going on with me. My phone rang and I jumped up to get it. It was Max.

Tate: Hey Max, miss me already?

Max: I've been missed you, Tate. Anyway, I called because you mom wanted to visit you today.

Tate: What? I thought she was waiting until I got home.

Max: Me too, but she insisted that she wanted to speak to you. I don't know if it's urgent or not.

Tate: Are you coming?

Max: No, she said that she wanted to talk to you alone.

Tate: Um ok. Well how are you doing?

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