May 8th, 2017

12 0 0

-Expecting Something New-

"SURPRISE!" The group yelled out.

"What are you all doing in my room!?" I yelled out.

"This is a surprise party for you, so act surprised." Gina laughed.

"Aaaah!" I acted surprised even though I wasn't.

"There you go." The group began to burst out laughing.

I closed my door and looked at the group. They are really something. They brought some snacks and food over. Then Bryce brought in some music so this could really be a party. We began dancing, laughing and partying. It was fun being with new people that I never knew before. I didn't drink any alcohol tonight because my head was still hurting a little bit so I had some water.

My feet began hurting for a while so I sat down on the couch. I saw the group dancing and having fun. This place wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Quinton came over and sat next to me. He handed me a drink, but I refused. I told him that my head was still hurting a bit.

"So how are you enjoying the party?" Quinton asked.

"Its epic. I'm really loving this. Thank you guys." I hugged Quint. "Anyway lets continue before curfew."

(May 9th, 2017)

Everyone went back to their rooms after they helped clean up. It was 12 am and I was soo tired. Laura checked up on me to make sure everything was alright. Hopping into bed, I dialed Max's number. I hope he won't be upset with me for calling him late.

Tate: Hey Max.

Max: Babe, why are you calling so freaking late?

Tate: I'm sorry. I had company over and we had a get together party.

Max: It's fine babe, I just was worried. Well how was the party?

Tate: It was awesome, it was really a great party. I wish you were here to celebrate it with me.

Max: Me too, babe. You know I am the life of the party.

Tate: Whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

Max: Ha, ha, ha. Anyway, did you make any friends?

Tate: Yeah, I'm actually in a group with them.

Max: Oh um, what's their names?

Tate: Well I met a girl that introduced me to the group. Her name is Red and then the others are Gina, Christen, Dan, Bryce, Payton, Mason, and Quinton.

Max: Cool. Gotten close to anyone of them?

Tate: Yeah, its Quinton. He's really a decent guy. He's quiet with the others, but with me he loves talking.

Max: ...

Tate: Max, are you there?

Max: ...

Tate: MAX!

Max: You're just friends with this guy, right?

Tate: I'm guessing someone is jealous.

Max: No, I'm just wondering.

Tate: Well yeah, we are just friends. Seriously Max, I would never cheat on you. I love you way to much to ever do something like that to you.

Max: I know babe and I'm sorry. I'm just really missing you. I really want you here next to me.

Tate: Soon babe, soon. How's my mom?

Max: She's already gone to bed. You should try calling her tomorrow.

Tate: I don't know. I got a feeling of when I go to talk to her, I'll be done for. She'll be crying and then I'll be crying. There would be a long freaking pity party over the phone.

Max: Hahahaha. I can imagine that. Well get some sleep, its late. I'll talk to you tomorrow, beautiful. I love you.

Tate: Love you more. Nite.

Max: Nite.

I woke up quick and ran into the bathroom. I opened the toilet lid and began throwing up. I was puking my guts out. I didn't know what was going on, but I was throwing up over and over. I heard someone coming in my room, but I didn't bother going to check it out.

"Are you ok, Tay?" It was Quinton rubbing my back.

I finally managed to calm myself down and leaned against the bath tub. Tears were pouring down my cheeks. Man that hurt soo bad.

"Tay, you're crying." Quint wiped away the tears on my cheeks. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know." I coughed. "I woke up and felt myself being dizzy and sick. Then I knew that I had to throw up."

"Are you sure, you weren't drinking last night?"

"No Quint, I am positive that I didn't drink anything."

"Here, let me help you up." Quint picked me up and helped me stand. There was vomit on my shirt.

"I should change." Quint nodded his head.

I walked out of the bathroom and went in my drawers to look for some clothes. I picked up a red shirt and as I picked it up, there was a pregnancy test under the shirt. Confused, I was wondering who had put that there. Then a wave of worrisome and anxiety came setting in. The morning sickness, the headaches, the constant tiredness, and the swelling of my feet. It made me a frightened. I guess Quinton saw my reaction, so he came and looked over my shoulder.

"Why do you have a pregnancy test?"

"Someone must've known something. I'll be right back."

Waiting for the test to tell me if I'm pregnant or not, I was just hoping and praying that I wasn't. I mean I knew Max and I were having sexual intercourse, but I thought we were at least careful. Fifteen minutes later, I picked up the test and my whole body froze. I was three weeks pregnant.

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